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ClickFunnels vs Kajabi 2024: Which Is The Best For You?


Hello, online hustlers! Are you ready to enter the world of digital marketing? Prepare to be thrown into the ring today as we pit Clickfunnels vs Kajabi. Yes, we’re talking about the ultimate battle of digital champions, with each flexing their e-muscles in an attempt to win you over. Consider this: Clickfunnels, with its sophisticated sales funnel techniques, vs. Kajabi, with its all-in-one course production prowess. Excited? Us too!

Listen up because, in this realm where websites play storefront and clicks turn into foot traffic, your platform choice: Clickfunnels vs Kajabi, isn’t just a casual decision – it’s a strategic move. Get ready to meet the dynamic duo with promises to supercharge your online game. But hold your horses because here’s the real question: How do you figure out which one’s the missing piece to your digital puzzle? Stick around as we dissect these powerhouses, exploring every nook and cranny of their features, vibes, and all that good stuff that might swing the pendulum for your dream project. Buckle up because, by the end of this match-up, you’ll be all set to pick the sidekick that’ll make your online adventures shine.

Key Takeaways:

Choosing between ClickFunnels and Kajabi as the superior platform for your business hinges on your unique requirements and objectives:

  • ClickFunnels is a suitable choice for small to medium-sized businesses aiming for quick and easy sales funnel creation, especially if they already have a website and domain, due to its multiple integrations and payment gateways.
  • Kajabi is an ideal platform for online course creators, educators, or entrepreneurs aiming to share knowledge and effectively create, market, and sell their digital products.
  • Explore my full recommendations here.

Comparison Table: ClickFunnels Vs Kajabi

Sales FunnelsCheck MarkCheck Mark
Deadline FunnelX markX mark
Emails sentUnlimitedUnlimited
Email campaignsCheck MarkCheck Mark
BlogsCheck MarkCheck Mark
Blog postsCheck MarkCheck Mark
CoursesCheck MarkCheck Mark
Automation rulesCheck MarkCheck Mark
WorkflowsCheck MarkCheck Mark
A/B testsCheck MarkX mark
TagsCheck MarkCheck Mark
1-Click upsellsCheck MarkCheck Mark
Run own affiliate program$157/mo$199/mo
Order bumpsCheck MarkCheck Mark
Paypal integrationCheck MarkCheck Mark
Coupon codesCheck MarkCheck Mark
Customer supportCheck MarkCheck Mark
Evergreen WebinarsCheck MarkCheck Mark
ClickFunnels vs Kajabi Comparison


ClickFunnels is an all-in-one marketing platform designed to help businesses and entrepreneurs create effective sales funnels. It has many options for managing and improving marketing funnels. ClickFunnels provides a drag-and-drop funnel builder with pre-built templates that allow users to create landing pages, opt-in pages, sales pages, upsell pages, and more. The platform focuses on conversion optimization and provides tools for A/B testing, order bumps, one-click upsells, and downsells. ClickFunnels also includes built-in e-commerce functionality, allowing users to sell products and services directly within their funnels. It supports integration with third-party tools, including email marketing services, payment gateways, and webinar platforms.

Pro Tip:

Don’t waste your precious time on building a sales funnel. Let a professional ClickFunnels funnel builder do it for you and watch your business skyrocket. Focus on the core business and leave the details to the expert.

Kajabi is an all-in-one platform designed for course creators, educators, and individuals who want to create and sell online courses, digital products, and membership sites. It provides comprehensive features for course creation, marketing, and membership management. Kajabi offers a powerful course builder that allows users to create multimedia-rich online courses with videos, quizzes, assessments, and more. It also includes a website builder with customizable templates for creating landing pages, sales pages, and blog pages. Kajabi provides advanced membership site functionality, allowing users to create and manage membership levels, grant access to content, and track student progress.

Kajabi focuses on providing a seamless experience for course creators, with advanced analytics and reporting features to track student engagement, revenue, and other important metrics.

While both ClickFunnels and Kajabi are dedicated to making it easier to sell items and services online, they do so in different ways and cater to distinct demographics. With ClickFunnels, you can make sales funnels and optimize them for maximum profit. Kajabi is an all-inclusive platform for developing, marketing and managing online courses and membership sites, and it targets course developers mainly.

Pro Tip:

Stop struggling with sales funnels. Hire a Kajabi expert and grow your business fast. Let a Kajabi specialist funnel builder create and launch amazing funnels that bring you more customers and revenue. Relax and focus on your vision while they handle the details. 

Comparison of Key Features: ClickFunnels Vs Kajabi

User Interface:


  • Intuitive drag-and-drop editor for building funnels.
  • Sidebar menu with sections for managing pages, products, integrations, and settings.
  • Library of pre-built templates to choose from and customize.
  • Emphasis on simplicity and ease of use.
  •  Clear navigation and tooltips to guide users through the funnel-building process.


  • User-friendly interface designed for course creators and membership site management.
  • Intuitive layout with sections for managing courses, website pages, sales, marketing, and analytics.
  • Customizable templates for creating landing pages, sales pages, and blog pages.
  • Comprehensive features for course creation, marketing, and membership management.
  • Advanced analytics and reporting capabilities.
  • Emphasis on providing a seamless experience for course creators.

Funnel Builder:


  1. Wide range of pre-built funnel templates: ClickFunnels provides a diverse selection of pre-designed funnel templates that cover various marketing scenarios, such as an opt-in page, sales funnels, webinar funnels, and more. These templates are starting points and can be customized to fit specific needs.
  1. Drag-and-drop editor: ClickFunnels offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, allowing users to easily add, remove, and rearrange elements within their funnels. It provides a visual canvas where elements can be easily placed and edited.
  1. Conversion optimization tools: ClickFunnels emphasizes conversion optimization and includes features like A/B testing, order bumps, one-click upsells, and down sells to maximize conversions and revenue within the funnel.
  1. Integration options: To facilitate connectivity and automation along the funnel, ClickFunnels interfaces with a wide range of third-party applications, including email marketing platforms, payment processors, webinar providers, and more.
  1. Funnel sharing and marketplace: ClickFunnels has a marketplace where users can share their funnel templates or purchase funnels created by others, providing a community-driven ecosystem for funnel building and sharing best practices.


  1. Course-centric funnel creation: Kajabi’s funnel builder is designed for course creators and focuses on creating funnels to sell online courses and digital products. It provides a streamlined process for building funnels around course launches, upsells, and membership enrollment.
  1. Template customization: Kajabi offers customizable templates for landing pages, sales pages, and other funnel components. Users can personalize the design and content to match their branding and course offerings.
  1. Seamless integration with course creation: Kajabi integrates seamlessly with its course creation features, enabling users to connect their funnels directly to their courses, lessons, and membership sites. This integration provides a cohesive experience for students and course creators.
  1. Email marketing automation: Kajabi includes robust email marketing tools that can be integrated into funnels. Users can set up email sequences, automation rules, and targeted campaigns to engage and nurture their audience throughout the funnel.
  1. Advanced membership management: Kajabi’s funnel builder incorporates membership site functionality, allowing users to create funnels that lead to membership enrollment. It provides options for tiered memberships, content access control, and community forums, enhancing the overall membership experience.

In this portion of the ClickFunnels vs Kajabi review, we learned that while both ClickFunnels and Kajabi are sales funnel builders, ClickFunnels focuses on general marketing funnels with a wide range of pre-built templates and conversion optimization features. Kajabi’s sales funnel builder, on the other hand, caters specifically to course creators and content creators, aligning closely with its course creation and membership site management features.

Membership Site:


  1. Limited membership site functionality: ClickFunnels offers basic membership site functionality, allowing users to create a membership area within their funnels. Members can access exclusive content or gated sections by logging in or purchasing a membership.
  1. Content access control: ClickFunnels provides options to control member access to specific pages or sections within the funnel. Users can create different membership levels with varying content permissions.
  1. Integration with payment gateways: ClickFunnels integrates with various payment gateways, allowing users to process payments and manage membership subscriptions.
  1. Limited membership management features: ClickFunnels provides basic member management capabilities, including the ability to view member details, manage subscriptions, and handle member cancellations. However, it may lack some of the more sophisticated tools for managing members found on specialist membership site platforms.
  1. Integration with email marketing services: ClickFunnels integrates with popular email marketing services, allowing users to automate email communications and engage with members.


  1. Comprehensive membership site functionality: Kajabi is designed with a strong focus on membership sites. Building a membership site has never been easier than with this tool’s comprehensive capabilities.
  1. Advanced content access control: Kajabi allows users to create different membership levels and customize member access to specific content, courses, or resources. This function includes drip content release, tiered membership access, and more.
  1. Community forums and discussions: Kajabi includes built-in community forum features, allowing members to interact, ask questions, and engage in discussions, fostering community within the membership site.
  1. Progress tracking and gamification: Kajabi offers tools to track member progress within courses, providing a gamified learning experience. Users can award achievements or certificates based on member accomplishments.
  1. Advanced membership management: Kajabi provides robust membership management capabilities, including member analytics, subscription management, member tagging, and segmentation. These features allow for better member engagement and personalized experiences.
  1. Seamless integration with course creation: Kajabi integrates the membership site functionality seamlessly with its course creation features. This ensures a cohesive user experience, as they can easily transition between course content and membership resources.

In this membership site section, we learned from our ClickFunnels vs Kajabi research that Kajabi offers more comprehensive features designed explicitly for managing memberships, including advanced content control, community forums, progress tracking, and extensive membership management options. ClickFunnels, while it does provide basic membership site capabilities, focuses more on funnel building and may not offer the same level of advanced membership site features as Kajabi.



  1. Product and order management: ClickFunnels provides tools for creating and managing products within your funnels. You can set up product variations, pricing, and inventory management.
  1. One-click upsells and downsells: ClickFunnels can include upsells and downsells within your funnels, allowing you to increase the average order value by presenting additional offers to customers during checkout.
  1. Payment gateway integrations: ClickFunnels integrates with popular payment gateways such as Stripe and PayPal, enabling you to accept payments directly within your funnels.
  1. Order fulfilment and tracking: ClickFunnels allows you to manage order fulfillment and track shipping details, providing basic functionality for handling the delivery of physical products.
  1. Affiliate management: ClickFunnels includes built-in affiliate management features, allowing you to create and manage affiliate programs for promoting your products or funnels.
  1. Coupon and discount code creation: ClickFunnels provides options to create and apply coupon codes or discounts to your products, giving you flexibility in running promotional campaigns.


  1. Product creation and management: Kajabi allows you to create and manage various digital products, such as online courses, membership subscriptions, digital downloads, and more.
  1. Advanced course creation: Kajabi offers robust course creation features, including multimedia support, lesson organization, quizzes, assessments, and student progress tracking.
  1. Pricing options and subscriptions: Kajabi enables you to set different pricing options for your products, including one-time payments, recurring subscriptions, or payment plans.
  1. Seamless integration with memberships: Kajabi integrates the e-commerce functionality seamlessly with its membership site features, allowing you to sell memberships as part of your product offerings.
  1. Coupons and promotions: Kajabi provides options to create and manage coupon codes and promotions for your products, offering flexibility in running discounts and promotional campaigns.
  1. Affiliate program integration: Kajabi integrates with third-party affiliate management platforms, allowing you to set up and manage affiliate programs for promoting your products or courses.

In this E-commerce part of our ClickFunnels vs Kajabi investigation, we learned that ClickFunnels focuses more on selling products within funnels and provides features like upsells, downsells, and order management. Kajabi, on the other hand, emphasizes digital product sales, with a strong focus on course creation and membership subscriptions. Kajabi offers more advanced course creation features, while ClickFunnels provides a broader range of e-commerce features within marketing funnels.

Email Marketing:


  1. Basic email marketing capabilities: ClickFunnels includes basic email marketing features, allowing you to send broadcast emails and set up email automation sequences.
  1. Email template customization: ClickFunnels provides customizable email templates to create visually appealing emails that align with your branding.
  1. List segmentation: ClickFunnels allows you to segment your email lists based on specific criteria, enabling you to send targeted emails to different audience segments.
  1. Integration with third-party email marketing services: ClickFunnels works with popular email marketing services like MailChimp, AWeber, and GetResponse so that you can connect your ClickFunnels funnels to your chosen email marketing platform.


  1. Comprehensive email marketing platform: Kajabi offers a robust email marketing system built directly into the platform, providing a full suite of features for managing email campaigns.
  1. Email automation sequences: Kajabi allows you to set up sophisticated email automation sequences based on triggers, actions, and conditions. You can create customized email workflows to engage with your audience at various stages.
  1. Pre-designed email templates: Kajabi provides a library of pre-designed email templates, making it easy to create professional-looking emails quickly.
  1. List management and segmentation: Kajabi enables you to manage your email lists, segment your audience based on specific criteria, and send targeted emails to different segments.
  1. Behavioral-based automation: Kajabi includes advanced automation features, allowing you to trigger emails based on specific actions or behaviors of your audience, such as completing a course or making a purchase.
  1. Analytics and reporting: Kajabi provides detailed analytics and reporting on email performance, including open rates, click-through rates, and conversion tracking.

In this Email marketing part of our ClickFunnels vs Kajabi research, we determined that Kajabi is a more advanced and complete tool. The email marketing tools that come with Kajabi include more automation options, pre-made templates, and triggers based on user behavior. ClickFunnels, on the other hand, works more on integrating with third-party email marketing services for basic email functions.



  1. Payment gateways: ClickFunnels integrates with popular payment gateways such as Stripe and PayPal, allowing you to process payments within your funnels securely.
  1. Email marketing services: ClickFunnels integrates with various email marketing platforms, including Mailchimp, AWeber, GetResponse, and ActiveCampaign, enabling you to connect your funnels with your preferred email marketing service.
  1. CRM and marketing automation: ClickFunnels integrates with CRM systems like Infusionsoft and HubSpot and marketing automation platforms like Marketo and Ontraport, providing options for seamless data flow and automation between systems.
  1. Webinar platforms: ClickFunnels integrates with popular webinar platforms like GoToWebinar and WebinarJam, allowing you to incorporate webinars into your funnels.
  1. Zapier integration: ClickFunnels integrates with Zapier, an integration platform that connects hundreds of third-party apps, expanding the possibilities for integrating with a wide range of other tools and services.


  1. Email marketing services: Kajabi integrates with major email marketing platforms, including Mailchimp, ConvertKit, Drip, and ActiveCampaign, allowing you to sync your email lists and automate email communications.
  1. Payment gateways: Kajabi integrates with Stripe and PayPal, enabling you to accept payments for your digital products and memberships.
  1. CRM and marketing automation: Kajabi integrates with popular CRM systems like Infusionsoft, HubSpot, and Ontraport, allowing you to sync customer data and automate marketing processes.
  1. Webinar platforms: Kajabi integrates with webinar platforms such as Zoom, allowing you to incorporate webinars into your courses or membership site seamlessly.
  1. Analytics and tracking: Kajabi integrates with Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel, providing insights into user behavior and allowing you to track conversions and marketing performance.

We determined in our ClickFunnels vs Kajabi review on integration that ClickFunnels provides a broader range of integration options. The platform’s integration with payment gateways, email marketing platforms, CRM systems, webinar platforms, and Zapier allows for more flexibility in connecting your funnels with external services. Kajabi, on the other hand, focuses on critical integrations with popular email marketing services, payment gateways, CRM systems, and analytics tools, ensuring seamless integration with crucial components of your online business.

Website Builder:


  1. Funnel-focused website creation: ClickFunnels is primarily designed for creating sales funnels rather than traditional websites. It provides a drag-and-drop editor that allows you to build pages within your funnels.
  1. Pre-built funnel templates: ClickFunnels offers a wide selection of pre-designed funnel templates that you can customize to fit your needs. These templates cover various marketing scenarios and can serve as starting points for your website pages.
  1. Customization options: The drag-and-drop editor in ClickFunnels lets you change the look and style of your pages. You can add or remove parts, move them around, and change their properties to make pages that look good.
  1. Mobile responsiveness: ClickFunnels ensures that the pages you create are mobile-responsive, automatically adjusting and displaying correctly on different devices.
  1. Limited traditional website features: ClickFunnels’ website builder is geared towards building sales funnels, so it may have limitations regarding conventional website features such as blog functionality or extensive navigation menus.


  1. Comprehensive website creation: Kajabi has a powerful website builder that lets you make and edit full-fledged websites, like homepages, landing pages, course pages, blog pages, and more
  1. Pre-designed website themes: Kajabi offers a selection of themes you can choose from and customize to match your branding. These themes provide a cohesive look and feel across your entire website.
  1. Drag-and-drop editor: Kajabi’s website builder includes a user-friendly drag-and-drop editor, enabling you to easily add, remove, and rearrange page elements. It provides flexibility in designing your website’s layout and structure.
  1. Blog functionality: Kajabi includes built-in blogging capabilities, allowing you to create and publish blog posts directly on your website. You can organize your posts into categories, schedule them, and engage with your audience through comments.
  1. Mobile responsiveness: Kajabi ensures your website is mobile-responsive, optimizing its display on various devices to provide a seamless user experience.
  1. SEO optimization: Kajabi provides options for optimizing your website for search engines, including customizable page titles, meta descriptions, and URLs, helping improve your website’s visibility in search results.

After conducting our ClickFunnels vs Kajabi website builder comparison, we discovered that ClickFunnels’ website builder mainly focuses on making sales funnels, but Kajabi lets you build a complete website. The Kajabi website builder has many features, including pre-designed themes, drag-and-drop editing, blog functions, mobile responsiveness, and SEO optimization. It works well for making full websites, especially for people wanting to make courses or blogs. ClickFunnels, on the other hand, is made to create pages unique to a funnel within the context of a sales funnel.

Course Creation:


  1. Basic course creation capabilities: ClickFunnels provides basic course creation functionality, allowing you to create and deliver online courses within your funnels.
  1. Lesson and module organization: ClickFunnels allows you to structure your course content into lessons and modules, providing a hierarchical organization for your course material.
  1. Multimedia support: ClickFunnels supports various multimedia formats such as videos, audio files, PDFs, and text content, allowing you to deliver diverse course material.
  1. Quizzes and assessments: ClickFunnels can add quizzes and assessments to your course content, allowing you to test your students’ knowledge and track their progress.
  1. Basic progress tracking: ClickFunnels provides basic progress tracking features, allowing you to monitor your students’ completion of course modules or lessons.
  1. Drip content release: ClickFunnels lets you gradually release course content over time using drip content functionality, giving you control over the pace at which your students access the material.


  1. Comprehensive course creation capabilities: Kajabi is explicitly designed for creating and delivering online courses, offering a wide range of features tailored to course creators.
  1. Multimedia-rich content: Kajabi supports various multimedia formats and provides an intuitive interface for uploading and organizing your course content, including videos, audio files, documents, and more.
  1. Advanced lesson customization: Kajabi allows you to create highly customized lessons, including interactive quizzes, surveys, assessments, downloadable resources, and assignments.
  1. Gamification and engagement features: Kajabi includes features like achievement badges, progress tracking, and certificates of completion, fostering a gamified and engaging learning experience for your students.
  1. Community engagement: Kajabi offers built-in discussion forums and community features, allowing students to interact, ask questions, and collaborate, fostering community within your courses.
  1. Advanced student analytics: Kajabi provides detailed analytics and reporting on student progress, completion rates, and engagement metrics, giving you insights into your course performance and enabling you to make data-driven improvements.

Following our course creation comparison of ClickFunnels vs Kajabi, we noticed that while ClickFunnels provides rudimentary course production capabilities within its funnel framework, Kajabi is built to deliver a whole online course platform experience. Kajabi provides sophisticated customization, multimedia-rich content support, gamification elements, community participation, and comprehensive analytics.

Related Article:

Affiliate Management:


  1. Built-in affiliate management: ClickFunnels includes a built-in affiliate management system, allowing you to create and manage affiliate marketing programs for promoting your products or funnels.
  1. Affiliate link generation: ClickFunnels enables you to generate unique affiliate links for your affiliates, which they can use to track their referrals and earn commissions.
  1. Commission tracking and management: ClickFunnels tracks affiliate referrals and calculates commissions based on the rules you set. It provides reporting and analytics on affiliate performance and earnings.
  1. Commission structure customization: ClickFunnels allows you to set different commission structures for different products or funnels, such as fixed amounts or percentage-based commissions.
  1. Affiliate dashboard: ClickFunnels provides affiliates with a dedicated dashboard to access their referral links, track their performance, and view their earnings.
  1. Payout automation: ClickFunnels supports automated affiliate payouts, allowing you to set up automatic commission payments to your affiliates based on your chosen schedule.


  1. Third-party affiliate platform integration: Kajabi does not have built-in affiliate management features. Instead, it integrates with third-party affiliate management platforms like Tapfiliate and ThriveCart, allowing you to leverage their affiliate management capabilities.
  1. Affiliate link integration: Through third-party integration, Kajabi enables you to generate and track affiliate links for your affiliates, ensuring proper attribution of referrals and commissions.
  1. Commission tracking and management: Using the third-party affiliate platform, Kajabi tracks affiliate referrals, monitors performance, and manages commission calculations and payouts.
  1. Commission structure customization: The third-party affiliate platforms integrated with Kajabi typically provide flexibility in setting commission structures and rules, allowing you to customize commission rates based on your preferences.
  1. Affiliate reporting and analytics: The third-party affiliate platforms offer reporting and analytics on affiliate performance, conversion rates, and earnings, providing insights into your affiliate program’s effectiveness.
  1. Affiliate management features: While Kajabi doesn’t offer direct affiliate management features, the third-party platforms it integrates with usually provide additional functionalities like affiliate recruitment, promotional assets, and affiliate communication tools.

As a result of our affiliate management comparison of ClickFunnels vs. Kajabi, we found that ClickFunnels has an integrated affiliate management system that offers simple yet useful capabilities for managing and tracking affiliate referrals and commissions. On the other hand, Kajabi has integration with other affiliate management platforms that let you use more sophisticated affiliate management features. Because of this, you have more freedom to select the affiliate management platform that is best for you.

Analytics And Reporting:


  1. Funnel analytics: ClickFunnels provides detailed analytics on the performance of your sales funnels. You can track conversion rates, revenue, the number of visitors, and the effectiveness of individual funnel steps.
  1. A/B split testing: ClickFunnels allows you to create and run A/B split tests to compare the performance of different variations of your funnels. This function helps you optimize your funnel’s conversion rates.
  1. Sales and revenue tracking: ClickFunnels tracks the sales and revenue generated through your funnels, providing insights into your overall business performance.
  1. Affiliate tracking: ClickFunnels includes affiliate tracking capabilities, allowing you to monitor the performance and earnings of your affiliates.
  1. Goal tracking: You can set and track specific goals in your funnels with ClickFunnels. This helps you measure the success of your marketing campaigns and efforts to optimize your funnels.


  1. Comprehensive analytics dashboard: Kajabi gives you a centralized dashboard for data showing how well your business is doing. You can see important data like revenue, sales, course progress, and user engagement.
  1. Course-specific analytics: Kajabi offers detailed analytics for your online courses, including completion rates, student progress, quiz results, and engagement metrics. This helps you understand how your courses perform and identify improvement areas.
  1. User behavior tracking: Kajabi tracks user behavior and engagement on your website or membership site, providing insights into how visitors interact with your content and offers.
  1. Sales and revenue tracking: Kajabi provides comprehensive sales and revenue tracking, allowing you to monitor your product sales, subscriptions, and overall business revenue.
  1. Marketing campaign analytics: Kajabi offers analytics for your marketing campaigns, including email performance, conversion rates, and the effectiveness of different promotional efforts.
  1. Customizable reports: Kajabi allows you to create custom reports based on specific metrics and filters, enabling you to get in-depth insights into your business based on your unique needs.

In this section of our ClickFunnels vs. Kajabi comparison, we found that Kajabi offers a wider range of analytics and reporting capabilities that cover your overall business performance, course-specific metrics, user behavior, and marketing campaign analysis, whereas ClickFunnels primarily focuses on funnel-specific analytics and tracking. The analytics offered by Kajabi offer more thorough insights into the various facets of your online business.



  1. Drag-and-drop editor: ClickFunnels provides a user-friendly drag-and-drop editor that allows you to customize your sales funnels. Without coding knowledge, you can easily add, remove, or rearrange elements on your funnel pages.
  1. Template customization: ClickFunnels offers a wide range of pre-designed templates that you can customize to fit your branding and style. You can modify colors, fonts, images, and text to create a unique look for your funnels.
  1. Element customization: ClickFunnels allows you to customize individual elements within your funnels, such as buttons, forms, headlines, and videos. You can adjust their appearance, behavior, and settings to match your requirements.
  1. Funnel structure customization: ClickFunnels provides flexibility in customizing the structure and flow of your funnels. You can add or remove funnel steps, create upsells and downsells, and tailor the entire funnel sequence to suit your sales process.
  1. Advanced CSS editing: ClickFunnels allows more advanced users to access and modify the CSS code of their funnels for precise customization.


  1. Visual editor: You can change the look of your website and course pages with Kajabi’s visual designer. You can change the style, text, images, and colors with an easy-to-use interface.
  1. Template customization: Kajabi has several templates that are already made and that you can change to fit your brand. You can change the styles, colors, and other design parts to look more professional.
  1. Page builder: Kajabi’s page builder allows you to create custom layouts and sections for your website and course pages. You can add modules, sections, and content elements to build pages tailored to your needs.
  1. Branding options: Kajabi lets you upload your logo, customize your website’s navigation menus, and create a consistent brand experience throughout your platform.
  1. CSS and code injection: Kajabi allows more advanced users to access their pages’ CSS and HTML code, enabling them to implement custom styles and functionalities.

After conducting our ClickFunnels vs Kajabi customization comparison, we determined that both ClickFunnels and Kajabi offer customization features to tailor the appearance and structure of your funnels, websites, and course pages. ClickFunnels focuses on funnel customization, providing options to modify individual elements and the overall funnel structure. Kajabi, on the other hand, offers customization options for websites, course pages, and branding, allowing you to create a cohesive online presence.



  1. Actionetics: ClickFunnels’ built-in email marketing automation tool, Actionetics, allows you to create and automate email sequences based on customer behavior and actions within your funnels.
  1. Follow-up funnels: ClickFunnels’ feature enables you to create automated follow-up sequences to engage and nurture leads or customers, including email and SMS messages.
  1. Action-based triggers: ClickFunnels allows you to set triggers based on specific actions taken by users, such as form submissions or product purchases. These triggers can then initiate automated actions or sequences.
  1. Integrations with third-party automation tools: ClickFunnels integrates with popular marketing automation platforms like Zapier and ActiveCampaign, allowing you to connect and automate processes with other tools in your marketing stack.


  1. Automations: Kajabi provides a robust automation engine that allows you to create automated workflows and triggers based on user actions. You can set up actions, conditions, and events to automate various aspects of your online business.
  1. Email sequences and broadcasts: Kajabi’s email marketing automation enables you to create email sequences and broadcasts triggered by specific events or actions, such as course enrollments, purchases, or form submissions.
  1. Pipeline automation: Kajabi’s pipeline automation allows you to automate various sales and marketing funnel stages. You can set up actions, such as sending emails or adding tags, based on user behavior and progression through your pipelines.
  1. Conditional logic: Kajabi’s automation includes conditional logic, enabling you to create personalized experiences based on user characteristics, behaviors, or custom field values.
  1. Integration with native features: Kajabi’s automation seamlessly integrates with other platform features like courses, memberships, and offers, allowing you to automate actions related to these components.

In this portion of our ClickFunnels vs Kajabi study, we learned that both platforms offer automation features to streamline and optimize your marketing and business processes. ClickFunnels focuses more on funnel-specific automation, including email sequences and follow-up funnels. At the same time, Kajabi provides a broader range of automation capabilities that span various aspects of your online business, such as email marketing, course enrollments, and sales funnels.

Customer Support:


  1. Knowledge Base: ClickFunnels provides a comprehensive knowledge base that includes documentation, tutorials, and guides to help users learn and navigate the platform.
  1. Community: ClickFunnels has an active community of users where you can ask questions, seek advice, and engage with other ClickFunnels users.
  1. Email Support: ClickFunnels offers email support for users to reach out with questions or issues. Response times may vary based on the support level and the inquiries volume.
  1. Live Chat: ClickFunnels provides live chat support during business hours for urgent inquiries or technical assistance.
  1. Funnel Flix: ClickFunnels offers access to Funnel Flix, a library of training videos and courses by marketing experts, which can be valuable for learning and troubleshooting.


  1. Knowledge Base: Kajabi provides a comprehensive knowledge base with articles, tutorials, and guides to help users understand and use the platform effectively.
  1. Community: Kajabi has an active user community where you can interact with fellow users, share experiences, and seek assistance.
  1. Email Support: Kajabi offers email support to address user inquiries and issues. They aim to respond promptly and provide assistance.
  1. Live Chat: Kajabi offers live chat support during business hours for immediate assistance and real-time responses to user queries.
  1. Phone Support: Kajabi provides phone support for users on higher-tier plans, allowing them to speak directly with support representatives for assistance.
  1. Webinars and Training: Kajabi conducts webinars and training sessions to help users maximize their platform usage, learn best practices, and get answers to their questions.

ClickFunnels and Kajabi provide customer service through their knowledge bases, communities, and email support. ClickFunnels offers live chat support, while Kajabi goes a step further by providing phone support on higher-tier plans and conducting webinars/training sessions to enhance user understanding and engagement.

Pricing Plans: ClickFunnels Vs Kajabi

ClickFunnels Pricing Plans:

FeaturesBasicProFunnel Hacker
Email sequencesUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
SharefunnelsCheck MarkCheck MarkCheck Mark
Basic AnalyticsCheck MarkCheck MarkAdvanced
CF1 Maintenance Check MarkCheck MarkCheck Mark
Affiliate ProgramX markCheck MarkCheck Mark
API AccessX markCheck MarkCheck Mark
Customer supportCheck MarkCheck MarkCheck Mark
Pricing Plan: ClickFunnels 2.0

Kajabi Pricing Plans

Landing PagesUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Marketing emailsUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Active customers1,00010,000100,000
Admin user11025
Transaction fee0%0%0%
Affiliate ProgramX markCheck MarkCheck Mark
24/7 Chat supportX markCheck MarkCheck Mark
Custom code editorX markX markCheck Mark
Advanced automationsX markCheck MarkCheck Mark
No Kajabi BrandingX markCheck MarkCheck Mark
Kajabi Pricing Plans

Final Thoughts And Recommendations:

After completing the ClickFunnels vs Kajabi comparison across various features, it’s clear that both platforms offer powerful tools for online business and marketing. ClickFunnels excels in funnel building, providing a robust drag-and-drop editor and extensive customization options. It offers features like membership sites, e-commerce capabilities, and integration with popular webinar platforms.

On the other hand, Kajabi shines in course creation and membership site management. It provides a comprehensive platform for hosting and selling online courses, with built-in features for content delivery, student engagement, and marketing automation. Kajabi’s website builder allows you to create a professional online presence, and its native webinar functionality simplifies live event hosting.


  • If you’re a small to medium-sized business looking to create effective sales funnels quickly and easily, ClickFunnels might be the better choice for you. It’s particularly useful if you have an existing website and domain due to its multiple integrations and payment gateways.
  • If you’re an online course creator, educator, or entrepreneur who wants to share knowledge with the world, Kajabi could be a better fit. It’s a comprehensive platform that allows you to create, market, and sell your digital products effectively.

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