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Kajabi vs Thinkific 2024: Which Is The Better Online Course Platform?


Today, we delve into a fascinating comparison asked by a serious online course creator in the digital learning landscape: “Kajabi vs Thinkific: Which is the better online course platform?” Each of Kajabi and Thinkific’s feature sets will take your online courses to new levels. We’ll examine the advantages and disadvantages of these two competitors in-depth so you can decide what suits your objectives for online instruction.

The choices for developing and selling online courses have significantly increased due to technological advancements, and Kajabi and Thinkific have established themselves as leaders in this field.

“Kajabi vs Thinkific” captures a critical question: which platform corresponds with your goals and aspirations? Which platform provides the best value for money? This investigation goes well beyond basic looks, digging into the functions and benefits of each piece of software.

Key Takeaways:

  • Kajabi is recommended if you have specific requirements for customization, advanced marketing features, and a seamless user experience.
  • Thinkific is recommended if you are on a tight budget but still want a reliable platform for creating and selling courses.
  • Check out my full recommendations here.

What are Online Course Platforms?

Online course platforms are software solutions that enable individuals and businesses to create, manage, and sell educational courses over the Internet. These platforms serve as all-in-one ecosystems that streamline the process of course creation, delivery, marketing, and student engagement.

The importance of online course platforms lies in their ability to democratize education and remove traditional barriers to learning. They allow subject matter experts and industry professionals to share their knowledge and expertise with a global audience, irrespective of geographical constraints. Furthermore, these platforms provide learners with convenient access to diverse courses, enabling them to acquire new skills, advance their careers, and pursue personal development goals at their own pace.

Overview of Kajabi and Thinkific:

  1. Kajabi: Kajabi is a comprehensive online course creation platform that provides a variety of tools for creating and distributing high-quality educational content. It provides an intuitive interface that simplifies the course creation process, allowing users to upload multimedia content, organize course materials, and structure their content in a visually appealing manner. Kajabi also offers powerful sales and marketing tools, including customizable landing pages, email marketing automation, and integrated payment processing options.
  1. Thinkific: Thinkific is another popular online course platform that empowers course creators to design and sell their courses online. Thinkific offers an easy-to-use course builder for multimedia integration, content organization, and customization. It provides a range of marketing tools, such as landing pages, email marketing automation, and advanced pricing options. Thinkific facilitates student engagement through discussion forums, progress tracking, and analytics. 

Kajabi vs Thinkific: Features Comparison

User-Friendly Interface:

Kajabi and Thinkific prioritize user-friendly interfaces, ensuring course creators can easily navigate and utilize the platform’s features.

Kajabi: Kajabi offers a sleek and intuitive interface that allows for effortless course creation. Its dashboard provides a clean and organized layout, making navigating various sections and settings easy. The platform’s user-friendly design enables course creators to upload and customize their course content without technical hurdles

Thinkific: Thinkific also offers a user-friendly interface, focusing on simplicity and ease of use. Its course builder provides an intuitive design, allowing creators to organize and customize their course materials easily. Thinkific’s user interface is well-structured, making it easy for course creators to create engaging and interactive courses.

Content Organization and Structuring:

Effective content organization and structuring are crucial for delivering students a well-organized and engaging learning experience.

Kajabi: Kajabi provides robust content organization features, allowing course creators to create modules, lessons, and sub-lessons. The platform offers a clear and hierarchical structure for organizing course content, making arranging and reordering materials accessible. Kajabi’s content organization capabilities enable creators to create a logical flow of information for their students.

Thinkific: Thinkific also offers comprehensive content organization options, enabling creators to structure their courses using chapters, sections, and lessons. The platform provides a user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop functionality for easy content arrangement. Thinkific’s content organization features provide a clear course structure, facilitating a seamless learning experience.

Multi-Media Integration

Kajabi and Thinkific support multimedia integration, enabling course creators to incorporate various types of content to enhance the learning experience.

Kajabi: Kajabi allows seamless integration of multimedia elements such as videos, audio files, PDFs, and images into course content. The platform provides a smooth multimedia player, ensuring students can access and engage effectively with different media formats.

Thinkific: Thinkific also supports multimedia integration, allowing course creators to embed videos, audio files, images, and other multimedia elements into their courses. Creators can enhance their content by providing engaging multimedia resources to their students.

Assessment and Quiz Capabilities:

Assessment and quiz capabilities are essential for evaluating students’ understanding and knowledge retention.

Kajabi: Kajabi offers built-in assessment and quiz capabilities, allowing course creators to create quizzes, assessments, and assignments to test student comprehension. Creators can set up various question types and grading criteria to effectively track and evaluate student progress.

Thinkific: Thinkific provides assessment and quiz features that enable creators to design quizzes and assessments within their courses. Creators can create multiple-choice, true/false, and other question types to evaluate student learning. Thinkific’s quiz capabilities help course creators assess student understanding and provide valuable feedback.

Landing Pages and Sales Funnels:

Effective landing pages and sales funnels are vital in converting potential students into paying customers. Both Kajabi and Thinkific offer tools to create compelling landing pages and sales funnels.

Kajabi: Kajabi provides a range of customizable landing page templates that enable course creators to create visually appealing and conversion-focused pages. The platform offers flexible sales funnels with options for upsells, downsells, and order bumps, allowing creators to maximize revenue potential.

Thinkific: Thinkific offers customizable landing page templates to help course creators design engaging and persuasive landing pages. While Thinkific does not have built-in sales funnel features, it integrates with third-party marketing tools that can be used to create sales funnels.

Pro Tip:

Don’t waste your precious time on creating a sales funnel. Let a seasoned Kajabi professional funnel builder do it for you and watch your business soar. Focus on the big picture and leave the details to the expert.

Email Marketing And Automation:

Email marketing is a powerful tool for engaging with potential and existing students. Kajabi and Thinkific provide email marketing and automation capabilities.

Kajabi: Kajabi includes a built-in email marketing system that allows course creators to send targeted email campaigns, automate sequences, and segment their email lists. The platform offers advanced automation features to nurture leads, deliver relevant content, and promote course offerings.

Thinkific: Thinkific integrates with popular email marketing platforms such as Mailchimp, ConvertKit, and ActiveCampaign. Course creators can leverage these integrations to set up email automation, segment their lists, and deliver targeted content to their audience.

Payment Processing and Pricing Options:

Smooth payment processing and flexible pricing options are essential for selling courses online. Kajabi and Thinkific provide features to handle payment processing and offer diverse pricing options.

Kajabi: Kajabi offers integrated payment processing, allowing course creators to collect student payments securely. The platform supports multiple payment gateways, including Stripe and PayPal. Kajabi also provides flexibility in pricing options, such as one-time payments, subscriptions, payment plans, and free trials.

Thinkific: Thinkific also offers integrated payment processing capabilities, supporting payment gateways like PayPal. Creators can set up various pricing options, including one-time payments, subscriptions, payment plans, and free courses. Thinkific allows for flexible pricing structures to accommodate different business models.

Pro Tip:

You have better things to do than crafting a sales funnel. Let a Thinkific expert course website builder with years of experience handle it for you and boost your business growth. You can focus on the vision and strategy while the professionals take care of the execution.

Affiliate Program Management:

Affiliate marketing can be a valuable strategy for driving course sales. Kajabi and Thinkific offer affiliate program management features.

Kajabi: Kajabi provides built-in affiliate program management, allowing course creators to set up and manage affiliate programs. Creators can offer commissions to affiliates for promoting and driving sales to their courses.

Thinkific: Thinkific integrates with popular affiliate marketing platforms such as Refersion and Post Affiliate Pro. Creators can leverage these integrations to set up and manage affiliate programs, track affiliate sales, and pay out commissions.

Community and Discussion Forums:

Building a sense of community and providing a platform for student interaction is important for fostering engagement and facilitating peer-to-peer learning. 

Kajabi: Kajabi provides community-building tools, including discussion forums and community features. Course creators can create dedicated spaces where students can interact, ask questions, and share insights. Kajabi’s community features enhance student engagement and create a collaborative learning environment.

Thinkific: Thinkific offers community integrations with popular platforms like Facebook groups and Slack. Creators can leverage these integrations to create private or public communities for their students. Thinkific’s community options allow students to connect and engage with one another.

Progress Tracking and Analytics:

Tracking student progress and accessing valuable analytics can help course creators understand student performance and optimize their courses.

Kajabi: Kajabi provides comprehensive progress-tracking tools that allow course creators to monitor student progress, completion rates, and engagement metrics. Creators can access detailed analytics to gain insights into student behavior and identify areas for improvement.

Thinkific: Thinkific offers progress-tracking features, enabling course creators to track student progress, completion rates, and quiz results. Creators can gain insights into student performance through analytics and use this data to refine their courses and enhance the learning experience.

Gamification and Interactive Elements:

In this section of the Kajabi vs Thinkific review, we learned that integrating gamification and interactive elements into courses can enhance student engagement and motivation. 

Kajabi: Kajabi offers gamification features such as achievement badges, leaderboards, and progress tracking. These elements can incentivize students to participate and progress through the course actively. Kajabi also allows creators to add interactive elements like quizzes and assessments to enhance student engagement.

Thinkific: Thinkific provides interactive features such as quizzes, surveys, and multimedia elements to make the learning experience more engaging. While it does not offer built-in gamification features, creators can integrate with third-party tools to incorporate gamified elements into their courses.

Third-Party Integrations:

Email Marketing Tools: 

Integrating email marketing tools allows course creators to leverage the power of email automation, segmentation, and personalized communication. 

Kajabi: Kajabi integrates seamlessly with leading email marketing tools like Mailchimp, ConvertKit, and ActiveCampaign. This integration enables course creators to synchronize their email lists, set up automated email sequences, and deliver targeted content to their students.

Thinkific: Thinkific also integrates with email marketing platforms such as Mailchimp, ConvertKit, and AWeber. Creators can leverage these integrations to automate email campaigns, segment their audience, and send personalized communications.

CRM and Marketing Automation:

Integrating Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and marketing automation tools can enhance course creators’ ability to manage student relationships, track marketing campaigns, and automate follow-up processes.

Kajabi: Kajabi offers integrations with popular CRM and marketing automation platforms like Keap, HubSpot, and ActiveCampaign. This integration allows creators to manage customer relationships, track leads, and automate marketing processes.

Thinkific: Thinkific integrates with CRM tools like Salesforce and Zoho CRM, enabling creators to manage student data, track interactions, and provide personalized support. Additionally, Thinkific integrates with marketing automation platforms such as Zapier, allowing creators to automate workflows and streamline marketing campaigns.

Scalability and Course Delivery Options:

Multiple Course Creation and Management:

Creating and managing multiple courses is crucial for scalability and expanding your online course business. 

Kajabi: Kajabi allows course creators to create and manage multiple courses within a single platform. Creators can easily organize and deliver various courses, each with content, pricing, and access settings. Kajabi’s interface and features streamline the process of scaling your course offerings.

Thinkific: Thinkific also enables course creators to create and manage multiple courses from a centralized dashboard. Creators can easily add new courses, customize their content, and manage enrollments for each course. Thinkific’s platform supports scaling your course business with ease.

White-labeling and Branding Options:

Maintaining a consistent brand image is vital for building credibility and creating a professional online course experience. Both Kajabi and Thinkific offer white-labeling and branding options.

Kajabi: Kajabi allows course creators to customize the appearance of their course platform, including the ability to add branding elements such as logos, colors, and domain names. Kajabi offers a white-label solution allowing creators to present their courses under their brand without any Kajabi branding.

Thinkific: Thinkific provides branding options that enable course creators to customize the look and feel of their course site to align with their brand identity. Creators can add their logo, colors, and domain name to create a cohesive brand experience for their students.

API and Custom Development Possibilities: 

API and custom development options allow course creators to extend the platform’s functionality and integrate with external systems. 

Kajabi: Kajabi provides API access, allowing developers to build custom integrations and extend the platform’s functionality. Creators can leverage the API to integrate with external tools, automate workflows, and enhance their course delivery experience.

Thinkific: Thinkific also offers API access, allowing developers to create custom integrations and extend the platform’s capabilities. Creators can leverage the API to integrate with third-party systems, build custom features, and tailor their course delivery to specific needs.

User Experience and Support:

Customer Support and Resources:

Having reliable customer support and comprehensive resources is essential for course creators, especially when encountering technical issues or needing guidance.

Documentation and Knowledge Base:

Kajabi: Kajabi provides extensive documentation and a knowledge base that covers various topics, including getting started, course creation, and platform features. Course creators can access step-by-step tutorials, FAQs, and guides to help them navigate the platform.

Thinkific: Thinkific also offers a comprehensive knowledge base in the Thinkific help center that provides creators with detailed articles and tutorials on using the platform. Creators can find answers to their questions, learn how to leverage different features and troubleshoot common issues.

Live Chat and Email Support:

Kajabi: Kajabi offers live chat support during business hours, allowing creators to have real-time conversations with the support team to address their queries and concerns promptly. Email support is also available for non-urgent inquiries.

Thinkific: Thinkific provides email support to assist creators with platform-related questions or issues. Live chat is available for the paid plans. Phone and priority email is provided for those higher-tiered plans.

User Reviews and Testimonials:

User reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into the experiences of other course creators who have used the platforms.

Kajabi and Thinkific have a strong presence of positive user reviews and testimonials, highlighting their ease of use, reliable customer support, and robust features. It’s recommended to explore these reviews and testimonials to get a better understanding of real-world experiences.

Use Cases and Target Market:

In this portion of our Kajabi vs Thinkific review, we discovered that these platforms cater to different use cases and target markets within the online course platform industry. Understanding these distinctions can help course creators choose the platform that aligns with their needs and goals.

Kajabi Use Cases and Target Market: 

Kajabi is a comprehensive online course platform offering various features to support course creation, marketing, and sales. It is designed for course creators looking for an all-in-one solution to manage their online courses and build a robust online business.

Kajabi Use Cases:

  1. Individual Course Creators: Kajabi is suitable for individual course creators who want a platform that provides an intuitive interface, extensive customization options, and powerful marketing tools to create and sell their online courses.
  1. Membership Site Creators: Kajabi offers to build and manage membership site features. It allows course creators to offer recurring subscriptions, deliver exclusive content, and build a community around their courses.
  1. Coaches and Consultants: Kajabi is popular among coaches and consultants who offer online coaching programs, digital products, and membership sites. It provides features to streamline content delivery, automate marketing, and manage client interactions.

Kajabi Target Market:

Kajabi targets course creators and entrepreneurs who prioritize a comprehensive platform covering course creation, marketing, and sales. It appeals to those who want a user-friendly interface, advanced customization options, and integrated marketing features to build and scale their online course businesses.

Thinkific Use Cases and Target Market: 

Thinkific is an online course platform that provides a user-friendly interface, robust course creation tools, and flexibility for course customization. It caters to various course creators, including individuals, educational institutions, and businesses.

Thinkific Use Cases:

  1. Educators and Institutions: Thinkific suits educators, schools, universities, and training institutions looking to create and deliver online courses or e-learning programs. It provides tools for content organization, student management, and assessment.
  1. Business Training and Professional Development: Thinkific is popular among businesses and organizations that offer training programs or professional development courses. It allows companies to create branded courses, deliver employee training, and track learner progress.
  1. Subject Matter Experts and Niche Experts: Thinkific is often chosen by subject matter experts and niche experts who want to monetize their knowledge and expertise. It provides the flexibility to create and sell specialized courses in various fields.

Thinkific Target Market:

Thinkific targets a broad range of course creators, including educators, entrepreneurs, and businesses, who prioritize simplicity, flexibility, and customization. It appeals to those seeking an intuitive platform with powerful course creation features and various options to deliver and monetize their courses

Kajabi and Thinkific have different use cases and target markets. Kajabi focuses on providing an all-in-one solution for course creation, marketing, and sales, appealing to individual course creators, membership site creators, and coaches. Thinkific emphasizes simplicity, flexibility, and customization, catering to educators, institutions, businesses, and subject matter experts.

Membership Site Comparison: Kajabi vs Thinkific

Kajabi and Thinkific both offer membership site capabilities, allowing course creators to create exclusive content and generate recurring revenue through subscriptions:

Kajabi Membership Site:

  • Integrated Membership Platform: Kajabi provides a built-in membership site feature, allowing course creators to easily create and manage membership tiers, access levels, and content delivery.
  • Multiple Membership Tiers: Kajabi enables course creators to offer different membership levels with varying content access and pricing options. This flexibility allows for creating membership sites with tiered offerings and the ability to upsell or cross-sell to members.
  • Drip Content: Kajabi allows creators to release content gradually over time, providing a structured learning experience for members.
  • Community Features: Kajabi’s membership sites include community features such as discussion forums and comment sections, facilitating engagement and interaction among members.

Thinkific Membership Site:

  • Bundled Courses and Memberships: Thinkific enables course creators to bundle courses with membership access, providing a seamless learning experience for members.
  • Content Access Control: Thinkific allows creators to control when and how members access content, ensuring a structured learning progression.
  • Basic Membership Functionality: Thinkific’s membership site features are more fundamental than Kajabi’s. While it provides essential membership functionality, it may not offer the same level of customization and advanced options.

When comparing the membership site capabilities of Kajabi vs Thinkific, Kajabi emerges as the more robust option. It offers a comprehensive, integrated membership platform with multiple membership tiers, drip content, and robust community features. Kajabi’s membership site functionality allows creators to create engaging membership experiences.

On the other hand, Thinkific’s membership site features are more limited. While it offers bundled courses and basic content access control, it may not provide the same level of customization and advanced options as Kajabi.

Pros And Cons: Kajabi vs Thinkific

Kajabi Pros:

  • Comprehensive All-in-One Solution: Kajabi offers many features, including course creation, marketing tools, sales funnels, email marketing, and membership site capabilities.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Kajabi provides an intuitive interface and customizable templates, and drag-and-drop editors.
  • Advanced Marketing Tools: Kajabi excels in its marketing capabilities, providing features like landing page creation, email automation, upsells, and affiliate program management.
  • Robust Customer Support: Kajabi offers responsive customer support through live chat and email, and they also provide extensive documentation and tutorials.

Kajabi Cons:

  • Higher Price Point: Kajabi’s comprehensive features come at a higher price than other online course platforms. The pricing may be a drawback for budget-conscious course creators.
  • Learning Curve for Advanced Features: While Kajabi is user-friendly overall, some of its more advanced features may have a steeper learning curve.

Thinkific Pros:

  • User-Friendly Course Creation: Creators can easily organize their course content, customize their course site, and manage student enrollments
  • Flexibility and Customization: Thinkific provides considerable flexibility and customization options.
  • Diverse Target Market: Thinkific caters to a broad range of course creators, including educators, institutions, businesses, and subject matter expert
  • Strong Community Support: Thinkific has an active community of course creators where users can engage in discussions, share experiences, and seek advice.

Thinkific Cons:

  • Marketing Tools are Basic: Compared to Kajabi, Thinkific’s marketing tools are more limited.
  • Lack of Built-in Email Marketing: Thinkific does not have built-in email marketing functionality. Creators may need to rely on third-party email marketing tools and integrate them with Thinkific.

Choose Kajabi if you prioritize advanced marketing features, an all-in-one solution, and a robust support system. Opt for Thinkific if you value simplicity, flexibility, and customization options, especially if you have specific branding requirements or cater to diverse industries.

Pricing Plans: Kajabi vs Thinkific

Kajabi Pricing Plans:

Landing PagesUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Marketing emailsUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Active customers1,00010,000100,000
Admin user11025
Transaction fee0%0%0%
Affiliate ProgramX markCheck MarkCheck Mark
24/7 Chat supportX markCheck MarkCheck Mark
Custom code editorX markX markCheck Mark
Advanced automationsX markCheck MarkCheck Mark
No Kajabi BrandingX markCheck MarkCheck Mark
Kajabi Pricing Plans

Thinkific Pricing Plans:

Access to Accelerator Prog.X markCheck MarkCheck MarkCheck Mark
Transaction feeNoneNoneNoneNone
Customer supportEmail(30 days) and ChatbotEmail and Live chat Email and Live ChatPhone and Priority support
100% Content OwnershipCheck MarkCheck MarkCheck MarkCheck Mark
Drag and drop course builderCheck MarkCheck MarkCheck MarkCheck Mark
Integrated EcommerceCheck MarkCheck MarkCheck MarkCheck Mark
Course quizzes and surveyCheck MarkCheck MarkCheck MarkCheck Mark
Custom domainX markCheck MarkCheck MarkCheck Mark
Coupons & discountsX markCheck MarkCheck MarkCheck Mark
Affiliate sellingX markCheck MarkCheck MarkCheck Mark
AssignmentsX markX markCheck MarkCheck Mark
Membership & Payment PlansX markX markCheck MarkCheck Mark
Live lessonsX markX markCheck MarkCheck Mark
Advanced course-buildingX markX markCheck MarkCheck Mark
Advanced website code editingX markX markCheck MarkCheck Mark
Remove Thinkific BrandingX markX markX markCheck Mark
Bulk Student emailerX markX markX markCheck Mark
Bulk enrollmentsX markX markX markCheck Mark
API accessX markX markX markCheck Mark
Thinkific Pricing Plans

Comparison: Kajabi vs Thinkific

Sales funnelsCheck MarkX mark
Deadline funnelsX markX mark
Emails sentUnlimitedStarts @$49/mo
(3rd party integration
w/ added cost)
Email campaignsCheck MarkStarts @$49/mo
(3rd party integration
w/ added cost)
BlogsCheck MarkX mark
Blog postsCheck MarkCheck Mark
CoursesCheck MarkCheck Mark
Automation rulesCheck MarkX mark
WorkflowsCheck MarkX mark
TagsCheck MarkX mark
1-Click upsellsCheck MarkX mark
Order bumpsCheck MarkCheck Mark
Stripe integrationCheck MarkX mark
Paypal integrationCheck MarkCheck Mark
A/B testsX markX mark
Coupon codesCheck MarkX mark
Own Affiliate Programstarts @$199/moX mark
Custom domainCheck MarkX mark
Support ( 7days/wk)Check MarkEmail/chatbot
Evergreen webinarsCheck MarkStarts @$99/mo
(Zoom integration,
w/added cost)
Comparison: Kajabi vs Thinkific

Choosing between Kajabi and Thinkific based on pricing depends on your specific needs and budget. Kajabi’s pricing may be higher, but it provides an all-in-one solution with advanced marketing features and integrated automation. Although limited in features, Thinkific’s pricing is more affordable, offering flexibility, unlimited courses, and a range of customization options.

Final Thoughts:

In comparing Kajabi and Thinkific as online course platforms, both have their strengths and weaknesses. Kajabi offers a comprehensive all-in-one solution with advanced marketing tools, automation features, and a user-friendly interface. It targets course creators who prioritize a robust platform for building and scaling their online course businesses. On the other hand, Thinkific focuses on simplicity, flexibility, and customization options. It caters to a diverse range of course creators, including educators, institutions, businesses, and subject matter experts.

In deciding between Kajabi and Thinkific, it is essential to consider your specific needs, budget, and level of technical expertise. If you require advanced customization, integrated marketing tools, and a comprehensive all-in-one platform, Kajabi may be the better choice. On the other hand, if you are looking for a cost-effective solution with a user-friendly interface and essential features, Thinkific could be the preferred option.


  1. For Course Creators with Advanced Needs: If you have specific requirements for customization, advanced marketing features, and a seamless user experience, Kajabi is recommended. Its comprehensive suite of tools and excellent customer support make it a top choice for professionals and businesses seeking a robust online course platform.
Our Pick


Revolutionize your online course business and boost your success with Kajabi, the ultimate all-in-one platform. Experience the power of easy course creation, beautiful website design, and advanced marketing tools all in one place. Elevate your courses to new heights – start your Kajabi journey today and take control of your online course destiny!

  1. For Budget-Conscious Creators: If you are on a tight budget but still want a reliable platform for creating and selling courses, Thinkific is recommended. It offers competitive pricing options while providing essential course creation, marketing, and student engagement features.
Best choice


Transform your online course dreams into reality with Thinkific, the leading platform for course creators. With user-friendly course-building tools, customizable designs, and seamless integration, Thinkific empowers you to focus on what you do best – teaching. Elevate your courses and elevate your success; join Thinkific today and start your journey to unlocking your full potential as a course creator!

  1. Consider Your Technical Expertise: When choosing between Kajabi and Thinkific, consider your level of technical expertise. Kajabi offers more advanced features, which may require a steeper learning curve for those who are less tech-savvy. Thinkific, with its intuitive interface, is a more accessible option for beginners or individuals who prefer a simpler platform.

Take advantage of any free trials or demos the platforms offer to test their functionality and see which one is the best fit for you.



Systeme.io is the best Free alternative to Kajabi and Thinkific. It gives you everything you need to create sales funnels, email campaigns, online courses, landing pages, blogs, and more. And it’s incredibly affordable – you can get started for free and pay as you grow. Don’t miss this opportunity – sign up for the Free Version Forever Plan now.

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