marketing strategies for accounting firms
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37 Proven Marketing Strategies for Accounting Firms That Will Skyrocket Your Client Base In 2024!

Introduction: Marketing Strategies for Accounting Firms And Accountants to Dominate the Competition

If you’re an accountant or own a small accounting firm, you already know that running the numbers isn’t enough. You’ve got to get the word out, stand out, and attract clients who don’t just need your services—they want your services. That’s why having the right marketing strategies for accounting firms is critical.

In my experience as a digital marketer, I’ve seen too many accounting firms rely solely on word-of-mouth, leaving huge opportunities on the table. 

Whether you’re an accounting pro trying to grow your practice or an established small firm looking to scale, this guide will walk you through 37 powerful marketing strategies that will help you attract new clients, build authority, and grow your accounting business. And stick around for the sections on crafting a marketing plan and key financial statistics that you can leverage to make informed decisions.

Key financial statistics about the accounting industry:

  • Global Market Value: The global accounting sector is valued at $ 500 Billion1.
  • U.S. Market Revenue: The revenue of the accounting services industry in the United States generates an annual revenue of $ 160 Billion1.
  • Employment Growth: The number of accountants and auditors employed in the U.S. is projected to grow by 4.5% from 2020 to 20271
  • Top Firms’ Revenue: The leading accounting firms in the U.S. by revenue have consistently been the Big Four global accounting and auditing firms: Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Ernst & Young (EY), and KPMG1.
  • Median Pay: The median annual wage for accountants and auditors in the U.S. was $79,880 in May 20232.
  • Future Market Value: By 2027, the global accounting market is expected to reach $795 billion3.

These statistics highlight not only the impressive growth of the accounting industry but also the significant opportunities available for businesses like yours. In such a thriving market, deploying effective marketing strategies is essential for growing your accounting firm and attracting new clients to capture a share of this expanding audience.

To ensure you capitalize on these opportunities, here’s a detailed marketing plan to guide your efforts.

Detailed Breakdown of the Marketing Plan for Accounting Firms:

To effectively grow your accounting firm and attract more clients, it’s essential to create a marketing plan that aligns with your business goals and leverages the right strategies for long-term success.

Here’s how to structure and implement a successful marketing plan:

Define Your Marketing Objectives:

Before you dive into tactics, clearly outline what you aim to achieve. Your marketing objectives should be SMART:

  • Specific: What exactly do you want to accomplish? (e.g., increase leads, improve brand awareness, or boost client retention)
  • Measurable: How will you track progress? (e.g., 25% more leads in 6 months)
  • Achievable: Are your goals realistic given your resources and capabilities?
  • Relevant: Do these objectives align with your firm’s overall business goals?
  • Time-Bound: What’s your timeline for reaching these goals?

For example, if your objective is to increase leads, you may set a goal like: “Generate 50 new client inquiries per month through SEO, content marketing, and paid ads.”

Identify Your Target Audience:

Understand who your ideal clients are so that you can tailor your strategies to meet their needs. Key factors to consider:

  • Client Segmentation: Who are your primary clients? Small businesses, individuals, startups, or corporations?
  • Pain Points: What challenges do your clients face that your accounting services can solve? (e.g., tax preparation, financial planning, auditing)
  • Demographics and Psychographics: Age, location, profession, business size, and motivations.
  • Create buyer personas to define your ideal clients. A buyer persona should include:
  • Background: (e.g., small business owner or a freelancer)
  • Key Problems: (e.g., cash flow management, taxes)
  • Preferred Communication Channels: (e.g., email, LinkedIn)

Competitor Analysis:

To differentiate your firm, analyze what your competitors are doing. This will help you identify gaps in the market and position your firm as a standout solution.

  • Identify Direct Competitors: Other accounting firms in your region or niche.
  • Analyze Their Marketing: Review their websites, SEO efforts, social media, PPC ads, and customer reviews.
  • SWOT Analysis: Conduct a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis for both your firm and your competitors. This will help you understand where you can improve and where you already have a competitive edge.

Choose Your Marketing Channels:

Select the channels where your target audience is most active. The key marketing channels to focus on include:

  • Website: A professional website serves as the hub for all your marketing activities. Ensure it is SEO-optimized, mobile-friendly, and provides easy access to your services and contact details.
  • SEO & Content Marketing: Create informative blog posts, guides, and videos that attract organic traffic. SEO ensures potential clients find your content through search engines.
  • Email Marketing: Use email newsletters to nurture leads and retain existing clients. Leverage’s email automation features to create targeted, personalized campaigns.
  • Social Media:  Platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook are ideal for B2B networking and sharing educational content. You can also engage with local communities on these platforms.

Marketing Budget Allocation:

Your marketing budget should reflect your overall business goals and the strategies you plan to implement. 

Keep track of your Return on Investment (ROI) for each marketing channel. 

Timeline and Implementation:

Plan out your marketing activities over time, ensuring that each strategy is executed efficiently. For example:

  • Month 1-2: Redesign website, set up email marketing platform (e.g.,, and initiate content creation.
  • Month 3-4: Launch PPC campaigns and begin building your referral and affiliate program.

Review and adjust the timeline based on campaign performance.

KPIs and Performance Tracking:

Set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of your marketing efforts. Common KPIs for an accounting firm include:

  • Lead Generation: Number of new leads captured via your website or landing pages.
  • Client Conversion Rate: The percentage of leads that convert into paying clients.

Notes on the Marketing Plan:

Your marketing plan should be a living documentrevised and updated regularly based on market conditions, results, and new opportunities. By continually refining your approach and leveraging automation tools, your accounting firm can attract more clients, nurture relationships, and scale efficiently.

37 Marketing Strategies for Accounting Firms and Accountants:

If you’re running a small accounting firm or working as a solo accountant, relying solely on referrals isn’t enough anymore. To truly grow and scale, you need a solid marketing plan and innovative marketing strategies. The right marketing methods for accounting firms can transform your practice from being just another service provider into a trusted advisor for your clients.

1. Build a Professional Website:

Your website is your 24/7 salesperson, often the first impression potential clients have of your business. Make sure it’s user-friendly, mobile-optimized, and clearly outlines your services. Add interactive features like scheduling consultations or live chat to engage visitors instantly.

A well-built website doesn’t just look professional; it also builds trust with your visitors. Include client testimonials, case studies, and your contact information prominently on every page to make it easy for visitors to reach out.

Pro Tip: can help you easily build a professional website using its drag-and-drop editor, eliminating the need for coding. It also provides built-in SEO tools, allowing you to rank higher in search results and attract local clients.

2. Use Sales Funnels:

Guide your potential clients through a carefully designed sales funnel. Start with a lead magnet, nurture them with email sequences, and offer them a free consultation or discounted service as the final step.

Sales funnels allow you to automate the process of converting leads into paying clients. With the right setup, you can focus on providing value while the system does the heavy lifting of bringing in clients.

Pro Tip: excels in sales funnels. You can create entire client journeys, from lead capture to conversion, with drag-and-drop simplicity, automating every stage

Become a Funnel Building Pro! Join our free funnel builder certification course and watch your business soar.

3. Create High-Converting Landing Pages:

Create dedicated landing pages for each service you offer, such as tax preparation or financial consulting. These pages should be simple, with a strong call-to-action that encourages visitors to book a consultation.

Landing pages are designed to convert visitors into leads. Use persuasive copy, trust signals (like testimonials), and a clear value proposition to compel visitors to take the next step.

Pro Tip: makes it easy to create optimized landing pages that convert visitors into leads. You can A/B test different pages to see which performs best and adjust accordingly.

4. Optimize for Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

If you want to dominate the local market, focusing on local SEO is non-negotiable. Optimizing your Google My Business profile, adding location-specific keywords, and getting listed in local directories can significantly increase your visibility.

The higher you rank in local search results, the more likely you are to attract new clients in your area. Focus on obtaining reviews from satisfied clients and ensure your business hours and services are always up to date.

5. Blogging for Expertise: Content Marketing

Blogging consistently is one of the most effective ways to establish yourself as an authority in accounting. Write posts that answer common client questions, share insights on tax law changes, or provide financial planning tips.

When your blog provides value, it not only attracts organic traffic but also builds trust with your audience. Be sure to share your blog posts on social media and through your email newsletter to expand your reach.

Pro Tip:, has a built-in blog on its website builder, making it easy to share new content and automatically distribute it to your email list or social media.

6. Leverage LinkedIn:

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for networking and lead generation. Regularly post articles, engage with potential clients, and showcase your expertise through updates and industry commentary.

Ensure your LinkedIn profile is fully optimized, highlighting your services and experience. Join relevant groups and connect with business owners who could benefit from your accounting services.

7. Host Free Webinars:

Webinars allow you to demonstrate your expertise while solving real problems for your audience. Host a session on “Tax Tips for Small Businesses” or “How to Maximize Your Deductions” and follow up with a call to action to book a consultation.

Use these webinars as lead-generation tools by requiring registration. After the event, follow up with a value-packed email sequence, nurturing them until they’re ready to convert.

Pro Tip: makes hosting webinars easy. You can create webinar registration pages, send automated reminders, and follow up with participants through email sequences. This helps convert leads into paying clients. This feature is available on its Webinar Plan and Unlimited Plan.

8. Create Lead Magnets:

Offer high-value resources, like downloadable guides or checklists, in exchange for email addresses. Your lead magnet should address a common pain point, such as “5 Ways to Save Money on Taxes as a Freelancer.”

These lead magnets are the start of your sales funnel, enabling you to build an email list and nurture those leads over time. The key is to offer something so valuable that your audience can’t resist downloading it.

Pro Tip: enables you to create landing pages for lead magnets, capture emails, and automatically trigger follow-up email sequences to nurture those leads.

9. Automate Email Sequences: Email Marketing

After someone downloads your lead magnet, don’t just stop there. Set up automated email sequences to nurture your leads. Each email should provide value, build trust, and gently guide them toward booking a consultation.

Automating your email sequences ensures you’re consistently nurturing leads without needing to manually engage every step of the way. Use this strategy to educate potential clients, share success stories, and offer free consultations.

Pro Tip:

With, you can set up fully automated email funnels. This feature allows you to segment your audience and send tailored messages at specific times, driving more engagement and conversions.

10. Implement a Referral Program:

Word-of-mouth is still one of the most powerful ways to get new clients. Create a structured referral program where existing clients get a reward for every new client they refer, such as a discount on future services.

Not only do referral programs leverage the trust that people already have in your services, but they also turn your existing clients into ambassadors for your brand. Make sure to promote your referral program on your website, emails, and social channels.

11. Leverage Client Testimonials and Case Studies:

Social proof is critical in the accounting industry, where trust and credibility matter most. Collect glowing testimonials from satisfied clients and develop detailed case studies showing how you’ve helped other businesses save money or streamline their finances.

Share these testimonials and case studies across your marketing materials—website, emails, and social media. When potential clients see proven results, they’re more likely to trust you with their business.

12. Partner with Local Businesses:

Local partnerships are an excellent way to extend your network and reach more potential clients. Connect with businesses like law firms, real estate agents, or financial advisors, and create a referral system that benefits both parties.

This strategy is about relationship-building. When trusted local businesses refer you, new clients are more likely to come through your doors because of that built-in trust.

13. Run PPC Ads on Google:

Google Ads allows you to show up for high-intent searches, such as “accountant for small businesses” or “tax preparation near me.” Create targeted ads that highlight your unique services and include a clear call to action.

Paid ads get you instant visibility, which is particularly useful during peak tax season or when launching a new service. Track the ROI of your ads to ensure that they are providing value.

14. Attend Networking Events:

In-person networking might seem old-school, but it’s highly effective, especially in the local business community. Attend events hosted by your local chamber of commerce or industry meetups, and be ready to talk about how your services can benefit attendees.

Networking isn’t just about pitching your services—it’s about building relationships. The people you meet might not need your services immediately, but they’ll think of you when they do.

15. Social Media Marketing:

Social media isn’t just for influencers. By sharing valuable content on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, you can keep your firm top of mind for potential clients. Post accounting tips, updates on tax laws, and behind-the-scenes content about your firm.

Use social media as a way to engage with your audience, answer questions, and demonstrate your expertise. Over time, you’ll build a loyal following that looks to you for financial advice.

Pro Tip:

With, you can easily integrate social media sharing buttons into your blog posts and landing pages, encouraging your audience to share your content.

16. Seasonal Promotions:

Take advantage of key times of the year—like tax season or the end of the fiscal year—by offering special promotions. Whether it’s a discounted rate for tax prep or a free financial consultation, seasonal offers create urgency.

People often procrastinate with their finances, so offering time-sensitive promotions can push them to take action. Be sure to promote these offers via email, social media, and your website.

17. Automate Client Onboarding:

Save time and deliver a professional experience by automating your client onboarding process. Use tools like to send welcome emails, request documents, and provide clients with the next steps—without manually doing each task.

Automated onboarding not only saves you time but also creates a consistent experience for your clients. This seamless process can leave a positive first impression, leading to better client satisfaction and retention.

Pro Tip: offers automation for onboarding processes, allowing you to set up automated sequences to welcome clients, request essential documents, and outline the next steps.

18. AI-Powered Insights:

Leverage AI tools to analyze financial data and offer personalized insights to your clients. These tools can help identify trends and reduce manual labor, freeing you up to focus on higher-value tasks like advisory services.

AI-powered tools can also enhance your client reporting, giving them deeper insights into their financial health. When clients see the added value of AI-driven insights, they’re more likely to stick with your firm long-term.

19. Host a Podcast:

Starting a podcast is a great way to share your expertise with a wider audience. You could cover topics like financial planning, small business accounting tips, or interviews with industry experts.

Podcasts offer a more personal connection with your audience, building trust and authority over time. Promote each episode on social media and your website to reach even more potential clients.

20. Create an Affiliate Program:

Set up an affiliate program where partners earn commissions for referring clients to you. This creates an incentive for others to spread the word about your services, growing your client base organically.

Affiliate programs can significantly expand your reach without requiring much effort on your part. Make sure to track referrals and offer competitive commissions to keep your affiliates motivated.

Pro Tip: allows you to create and manage your own affiliate program, tracking referrals and automatically handling commissions, making it easy to reward those who bring in new clients.

Learn how to harness the power of’s Affiliate Program and Marketplace to increase your sales and promote your services. Read the full article for detailed step-by-step guidance!

21. Webinars on Specialized Topics:

Dive deep into niche accounting topics like international tax law or accounting for freelancers in a free webinar. Targeting specialized groups can help you attract clients looking for expertise in their unique area of need.

The more specific your topic, the more likely you are to attract a highly engaged audience. Use these webinars to educate potential clients and provide solutions to their problems, positioning you as the expert.

Pro Tip:

With, you can host, automate, and promote webinars. It integrates webinar registration, reminders, and follow-ups, making it a seamless process from start to finish. The webinar feature is available on the Webinar Plan and Ultimate Plan.

22. Offer Free Consultations:

A free consultation is often the hook that gets potential clients to engage with you. It allows them to get a feel for your services without any upfront cost, reducing the risk for them.

During these consultations, you can assess their needs and explain how your services will solve their problems. This is also a great opportunity to close the deal and convert them into paying clients.

23. Publish Case Studies:

Case studies highlight real-world success stories, showing how your accounting firm helped clients achieve their goals. Use data-driven insights to demonstrate the tangible benefits you provided.

When potential clients see concrete results, they’re more likely to trust you with their financial challenges. Share case studies on your website, email campaigns, and client proposals.

24. Sponsor Local Events:

Sponsoring local events like business expos, community fairs, or charity fundraisers can increase your brand’s visibility within the local community. You’ll get your name in front of business owners and individuals who might need your services.

Event sponsorships show that your firm is involved in the community, enhancing your reputation and credibility. It’s also an excellent opportunity to network with other businesses and gain referrals.

25. Get Listed in Online Directories:

Ensure that your firm is listed in online directories like Yelp, Google My Business, and industry-specific directories. Accurate listings make it easier for potential clients to find you.

Being listed in multiple directories not only improves your SEO but also increases your credibility, as people often check these listings for reviews before making a decision. Encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews to boost your online reputation.

26. Build an Email Newsletter:

An email newsletter keeps you top of mind with clients and prospects. Share valuable content, such as accounting tips, tax deadlines, and updates on new services.

A consistent email newsletter helps you stay connected with your audience, offering value without being overly promotional. This helps build trust over time, increasing the likelihood that subscribers will become paying clients.

Pro Tip: allows you to easily design and automate email newsletters, making it simple to stay in touch with your audience and offer valuable insights consistently.

27. Partner with Influencers:

Partner with local business influencers or professionals with large followings to promote your services. They could share your blog posts, mention your services in a video, or even offer a testimonial.

Influencer partnerships are particularly effective if the influencer’s audience overlaps with your target market. This can help build credibility and trust, as people often follow the recommendations of influencers they admire.

28. Invest in Client Retention Strategies:

Acquiring new clients is important, but retaining existing ones is even more valuable. Offer loyalty programs, regular check-ins, and personalized services to ensure that your clients stay happy and continue using your services.

Happy clients are more likely to refer you to others and increase their business with you. Client retention strategies not only boost revenue but also create a stable base of clients for long-term growth.

29. Use Remarketing Ads:

Remarketing ads target people who have visited your website but didn’t convert. By reminding them of your services as they browse the web, you increase the likelihood that they’ll return and book a consultation.

These ads are cost-effective and can significantly improve your conversion rates by staying top of mind for potential clients. Be strategic with your messaging and offer them an incentive to take action.

30. Attend Industry Events:

Attending or even speaking at accounting or finance conferences gives you an opportunity to network with potential accounting clients and stay updated on the latest trends. Position yourself as an expert by contributing to panel discussions or hosting a workshop.

Conferences also offer a chance to meet other professionals who can refer clients to you. The more visible you are in your industry, the more likely people will turn to you for accounting needs.

31. Create Video Content:

Video content is engaging and easily digestible, making it a powerful tool for marketing your accounting firm. Create short videos explaining complex financial topics, sharing tax tips, or showcasing client testimonials.

Videos can be used across multiple platforms, including your website, social media, and email campaigns. Well-produced video content not only educates your audience but also builds trust by showing the people behind the business.

32. Offer a Free Financial Audit:

Providing a free financial audit is a great way to show potential clients the value of your services. This allows you to identify areas where you can help them save money or streamline their accounting processes.

Offering something for free gives clients a taste of your expertise and makes them more likely to hire you for ongoing services. Follow up with a personalized proposal that addresses their specific needs.

33. Nurture Leads with Personalized Emails:

Not all leads will convert right away. Use personalized email marketing to nurture leads over time, offering them valuable content, tips, and occasional offers to keep them engaged.

Personalized emails show that you understand the specific needs of your potential clients, making it more likely they’ll trust you when it’s time to choose an accountant. Keep the tone friendly and informative, without being overly salesy.

Pro Tip:

With, you can set up automated email sequences to deliver personalized messages based on the recipient’s stage in the buyer journey, ensuring more effective lead nurturing.

34. Utilize CRM Tools:

Customer relationship management (CRM) tools allow you to keep track of client interactions, manage leads, and automate follow-ups. This helps you stay organized and ensures no potential client slips through the cracks.

A CRM system can also provide insights into client behavior, enabling you to tailor your services and marketing campaigns more effectively. This leads to stronger client relationships and increased client retention.

35. Offer Specialty Services:

Differentiate yourself by offering specialized accounting services, such as forensic accounting, international tax law, or services tailored to freelancers. Niche services allow you to stand out in a crowded market and attract clients with unique needs.

Specialized services often command higher fees and help position you as an expert in your field. Highlight these specialties in your marketing materials, website, and social media accounts.

36. Write Guest Blog Posts:

Writing guest posts for industry websites, business blogs, or even local news outlets can expose your expertise to a broader audience. Choose topics that showcase your knowledge and tie them back to your services.

Guest blogging not only builds your authority but also improves your SEO through backlinks. It’s a win-win strategy that drives traffic and establishes your reputation in the accounting field.

37. Implement Google Analytics for Tracking:

You can’t improve what you don’t measure. Implement Google Analytics on your website to track visitor behavior, monitor conversions, and identify which online marketing activities are delivering the best results.

Analytics will provide insights into which strategies are working and which need improvement. By regularly analyzing this data, you can make informed decisions and continuously optimize your internet marketing efforts.

Final Thoughts:

With these expanded strategies, you’re well on your way to building a successful marketing plan for your accounting firm. The key is consistency—execute these strategies over time, and you’ll see steady growth in your client base.

By leveraging across multiple marketing strategies, you can streamline your processes, automate tasks, and focus on what you do best: growing your accounting firm. These 37 marketing strategies for accounting firms will help you build a sustainable pipeline of new clients while retaining your existing ones.

Are you ready to take your accounting firm’s marketing to the next level? Try and streamline your marketing strategies with powerful tools for email campaigns, sales funnels, automation, and client management—all in one platform. Start today and see how easy it is to attract new clients and grow your business!

In the meantime, if you’re eager to accelerate your business growth, check out our paid plans loaded with even more powerful features. Plus, for a limited time, new users can take advantage of a 40% discount—don’t miss this exclusive opportunity!

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  2. US Bureau of Labor Statistics
  3. Einpresswire

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