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Hotmart Review 2024: Is It A Scam?

Introduction: Hotmart Review 2024

As someone who has ventured into digital products and online courses, I’ve encountered various platforms that promise to make selling and distributing content easier. One such platform is Hotmart. In this Hotmart review, I’ll share my personal experience and insights about Hotmart, addressing many questions: Is it a scam?

Hotmart presents itself as a comprehensive solution for creators looking to monetize their knowledge through digital products. It boasts a range of tools designed to facilitate the creation, hosting, and sales of online courses and other digital goods. But with mixed reviews online, it’s essential to look closely at what Hotmart offers and whether it lives up to its claims.

I’ve seen both sides of the coin – users who praise the platform for its ease of use and effectiveness and others who have raised concerns about customer service and transparency. My goal is to provide you with an unbiased Hotmart review, drawing from my experiences and the experiences of others, to help you make an informed decision about whether Hotmart is the right platform for your digital product endeavors. Let’s dive in and explore the reality behind Hotmart’s glossy exterior.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ease of Use: The Hotmart interface is straightforward and user-friendly. 
  • Global Reach: Hotmart supports international sales, currency conversion, and local payment methods.
  • No Upfront Costs: Creators can start using Hotmart for free, with no monthly or annual fees.
  • Expensive: Hotmart charges 10% commission on top line which some users find steep.
  • Scam Accusations: Some users claim Hotmart is a scam due to issues with payment access, refund difficulties, and deceptive practices.
  • Mixed Reviews: While some users have had positive experiences with Hotmart, others have reported negative experiences.
  • Check out my full recommendations here.

What is Hotmart?

Hotmart is a comprehensive platform to sell digital products like webinars, online courses, and e-books. It provides services catering to individuals or companies looking to host, sell, and market their digital content online. This includes ebooks, online courses, technical manuals, etc. 

At Hotmart, users can take on three primary roles:

  1. Producer: These creators use the platform to host and market their digital content.
  1. Affiliate: Affiliates promote products created by Producers and earn commissions on their sales.
  1. Buyer: Buyers are the end consumers purchasing digital products marketed on the Hotmart platform.

Hotmart also offers solutions to assist with sales, including payment processing and the automatic distribution of payments to all parties involved. The platform is recognized for its no monthly fees policy, where users only pay a percentage after making a sale, and it provides tools for product building, monetization, management, and growth.

The platform aims to empower creators by offering a complete toolkit for building and selling digital products globally, with features like built-in communities, mobile apps, membership areas, and various payment strategies such as subscriptions, one-time payments, and free trials. 

How Hotman Works:

Hotmart is a digital marketplace connecting content creators, marketers, and consumers. Here’s a breakdown of how the platform works:

For Producers (Content Creators):

  1. Product Upload: Producers upload digital products, such as online courses, e-books, or webinars.
  1. Sales Page Creation: They create a sales page using Hotmart’s tools to attract and inform potential buyers.
  1. Pricing and Payment Options: Producers set the price and choose payment options, including one-time payments, subscriptions, or installment plans.
  1. Affiliate Program: By joining the affiliate program, they can let others market their products and earn a commission for each sale.

For Affiliates (Marketers):

  1. Product Selection: Affiliates browse the Hotmart marketplace to find products they want to promote. I will discuss the marketplace in more detail in the following sections.
  1. Promotion: They use unique affiliate links to promote these products through blogs, social media, or email marketing.
  1. Commission Tracking: Hotmart tracks sales made through affiliate links and attributes the correct commission to each affiliate.

For Buyers (Consumers):

  1. Product Discovery: Buyers explore the marketplace to find digital products that meet their needs.
  1. Purchase: They can purchase products directly through Hotmart, which handles the transaction securely.
  1. Access: After purchase, buyers gain immediate access to the digital content, which can be consumed on Hotmart’s platform or through dedicated apps.

The program’s ecosystem is designed to be user-friendly and self-sufficient, providing all the necessary tools for creators to monetize their knowledge and for affiliates to earn through marketing, all while ensuring a seamless experience for the end consumer. Its platform aims to democratize access to education and information by making it easier for anyone to sell and consume digital products.

Key Features: Hotmart Review

Page Creator:

The Page Creator feature of Hotmart is a tool designed to help users create various types of web pages such as landing pages, sales pages, ‘thank you’ pages, or capture pages. This feature is handy for converting visitors into customers. You can choose from several conversion page templates tailored to your brand identity.

With Page Creator, you can build beautiful web pages that align with your product, strategy, and brand, all without the need for any coding. Moreover, you can choose a template or start from scratch to create a page that best suits your business needs. 

Checkout builder:

The Checkout Builder aspect of Hotmart is a powerful tool that enables producers to create custom checkouts with a higher conversion potential in a simple and easy way. It provides more flexibility, enabling you to create your ideal checkouts and set them up according to your brand’s identity. Here are some key aspects of the Checkout Builder:

  1. Mobile Customization: You can offer different versions of the same checkout on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone, transforming the buyer’s experience and increasing your conversions.
  1. Custom Checkouts for Each Offer: Create custom checkouts for each offer, adjusting the sales moment to the communication of specific campaigns.
  1. Speed Optimization: The faster the rendering time of the checkout on the screen, the higher the chances of conversion. Hotmart has optimized the speed of their checkouts even further.
  1. More Credibility: Eliminate purchase barriers with a highly secure checkout and add your customers’ evaluations that reinforce trust.
  1. Order Bump: Increase the average ticket of your product by offering complementary products at the checkout page.
  1. Easy to Set Up: Explore high-converting templates and adapt them to your digital business in just a few clicks. The interface is intuitive to optimize the creation stages of your custom checkouts.

Sales Funnel:

The Sales Funnel is a strategic feature Hotmart offers crucial in promoting and selling products. It is built to guide potential customers through steps, leading them from initial awareness to the final purchase. Here are some key capabilities of the Sales Funnel at Hotmart:

  1. Upsell, Downsell, and Cross-Sell: The Sales Funnel lets you offer customers additional products or services after their initial purchase. Upselling involves suggesting higher-value products while downselling targets customers who declined a previous offer with more favorable terms. Cross-selling mixes these strategies to present options based on the customer’s reaction.
  1. Customizable Journey: You can create a sequence of offers that lead the customer through a tailored purchasing experience. This feature lets you build a funnel compatible with your marketing strategy and business goals.
  1. Optimized for Conversion: The funnel maximizes conversions by offering relevant products at the right time, increasing the chances of a sale.
  1. Flexibility: Producers have the flexibility to set up the Sales Funnel with multiple registered products, and they can choose to create external sales pages for additional products in the funnel.
  1. Easy Setup: Setting up the Sales Funnel is straightforward, with clear instructions provided by Hotmart. You can log in to your account, access the Tools section, select the Sales Funnel option, and start creating your funnel with just a few clicks.

Hotmart’s Sales Funnel feature is a powerful tool for digital business owners to increase sales and enhance the customer buying experience. It provides a structured and strategic approach to lead customers toward purchasing while offering opportunities to increase the average ticket size through additional sales strategies.

Email marketing:

Hotmart’s email marketing feature is a robust tool allowing creators and entrepreneurs to promote their products and services effectively through email campaigns. Here are some key benefits of this feature:

  1. Direct Marketing: Products and services are marketed directly to the customers who have agreed to get such emails through email marketing. This consent can be explicit, through subscription to a mailing list, or implicit when they purchase any of your products.
  1. Audience Segmentation: Emails can be segmented based on the users’ interests, allowing for personalized content delivery that caters to different customer groups’ specific needs and preferences.
  1. Building Customer Loyalty: Email quality content can help build a strong relationship with your audience, turning them into loyal customers and brand promoters.
  1. Automation and Integration: Hotmart helps you automate your communications and follow your audience’s progress with your product. You can then make the most suitable offer according to your customers’ behavior. Your email marketing service can be integrated to improve your audience segmentation based on their behavior within the Hotmart ecosystem.

The platform’s email marketing feature is created to help you create and optimize your campaigns, from list targeting to sending, ensuring your business grows by maintaining customer relationships and alerting them about news and promotions.


Hotmart’s Webinar feature is an excellent solution for creators and entrepreneurs looking to engage with their audience through live classes or presentations. Here are some key aspects of the Webinar attributes:

  1. Lead Capture: The Webinar tool is ideal for top-of-the-funnel strategies, helping you capture leads—people interested in purchasing your product.
  1. Interactive Streaming: You can stream your webinar using links from YouTube or Vimeo, allowing you to reach many people simultaneously. During the streaming, you can chat and insert triggers to make the session more relevant and interactive for your audience.
  1. Audience Engagement: The chat function allows your audience to talk and ask questions during the streaming, creating a closer relationship with them. You can enable or disable the chat anytime and manage the comments as needed.
  1. Sales Triggers: You can add an external link (CTA) as a button with eye-catching text that should attract your audience. This could be a link to your checkout page.
  1. Limitations: Each streaming can be up to 2 hours and have a maximum audience of 200 viewers.

The Webinar feature is a versatile tool to educate, engage, and convert your audience. It lets you create a dynamic, interactive experience that significantly enhances your marketing efforts and customer relationships.

Online courses:

Hotmart offers a comprehensive feature for online courses through its Hotmart Club, a distance learning platform designed to provide an intuitive learning environment suitable for various devices. Here are some critical aspects of the online courses featured at Hotmart:

  1. Native Video Player: Hotmart’s native video player delivers a seamless student experience with an anti-fraud system to ensure content security. It also allows offline content delivery through the Hotmart Sparkle app so students can take classes anytime and anywhere.
  1. Customizable Layout: You can modify the layout of your Members Area to match your brand’s colors, use your product’s logo, and other options. 
  1. Automatic Translation and Subtitles: The video player supports automatic translation and subtitles in several languages, removing language barriers and making your course accessible to a broader audience.
  1. Easy Configuration and Selling: The platform offers options for configuring and selling your course online, making it easy for creators to manage their community and host their courses without needing other video platforms.
  1. Accessibility: Hotmart Club has been developed to be accessible on different devices, ensuring students can learn on the go or from their homes.

Hotmart’s online courses feature is a robust solution for online creators looking to offer quality education. It combines ease of use with powerful tools to deliver content, engage students, and grow an online business.


The program’s events feature is a versatile tool that allows creators to organize and manage various events, such as online courses, coaching sessions, in-person or online events, communities, consultancies, podcasts, and ebooks. Here are some critical aspects of the events feature:

  1. Format Flexibility: Creators can pick from a range of formats to suit their event type, whether it’s an online course, a live coaching session, or an in-person event.
  1. Product Experience Design: The platform provides options to design the product experience with built-in community features, extra modules, a mobile app, members area, etc.
  1. Customizable Strategy: You can choose your sales strategy, including subscription models, one-time payments, free trials, buy now, pay later options, bundles, upsells, cross-sells, and coupon codes.
  1. Branding: The events feature allows you to brand your event as your own, ensuring consistency with your brand identity.
  1. Global Reach: Hotmart supports international sales, automatically converting product prices into local currencies and offering local payment methods to increase conversion chances.
  1. Business Growth Support: Hotmart provides tools and solutions to help creators market and sell their digital products, including events, to a global audience.

Hotmart’s events feature is developed to empower creators to easily create, monetize, manage, and grow their events or digital products. 


Hotmart’s ebooks feature is part of their comprehensive suite of tools designed to help creators sell different types of digital content. Here are some key advantages of the ebook feature:

  1. Multiple Formats: Creators can sell ebooks in formats such as **PDF or EPUB**, catering to the preferences of different readers.
  1. Easy Upload and Distribution: You can easily upload your ebook files and distribute them to your audience through Hotmart’s platform.
  1. Marketing Support: Hotmart provides resources such as templates and checklists to help you market your ebooks effectively.
  1. Creator Community: Join a community of fellow creators on Hotmart and exchange insights and experiences related to creating and selling ebooks.

Hotmart’s ebooks feature is created to make it easy for creators to publish, manage, and sell their digital books to a worldwide audience, providing all the necessary tools to succeed in the digital marketplace.

Premium Communities:

The software’s Premium Communities is a feature that enables creators to monetize their content by creating and managing paid communities. Here’s what you can do with Hotmart Premium Communities:

  1. Monetize Your Content: You can create a community, configure it, and make it ready for your customers to purchase or access.
  1. Integration Capabilities: It enables integrations with platforms like YouTube and WordPress.
  1. Content Format Flexibility: You can offer different content formats without worrying about algorithms that reduce reach or advertising presence.
  1. Data and Reports: Gain insights with data and reports generated by the Hotmart platform.
  1. Payment System Integration: Hotmart Premium Communities are integrated with HotPay, Hotmart’s Payment System, which processes customer payments.
  1. Hotmart Club Integration: You can add your Paid Community to Hotmart Club and enjoy all the benefits of the members’ area, making it accessible via the Hotmart app and the web.

Hotmart Premium Communities is a powerful tool for creators looking to build a dedicated audience and generate revenue from exclusive content offerings.


Hotmart’s automation capabilities are built to streamline the process of selling and managing digital products, making it easier for creators to focus on content creation and marketing. Here are some key automation features provided by Hotmart:

  1. Automated Product Access: Once a customer makes a purchase, they can automatically access the product without any manual intervention from the creator.
  1. Sales Recovery: Hotmart offers tools to help recover sales that didn’t go through, such as smart retries and strategic invoicing to reduce churn.
  1. Commission Payments: The platform automates commission payments for affiliates and co-creators, ensuring timely and accurate compensation.
  1. Payment Suite Integration: Hotmart’s proprietary payment system, HotPay, is integrated into every aspect of the ecosystem, automating the payment process for a smooth transaction experience.
  1. Multiple Payment Options: Customers can choose from various payment options, such as credit and debit cards, PayPal, and more, all automated for their convenience and offered by creators.
  1. Host & Market Automation: Creators can host their digital products in Hotmart Club, which automates engagement and sales strategies, such as creating extra paid modules and making ads for free in the member’s area.

Hotmart’s automation capabilities cover various aspects of the digital product lifecycle, from product access to sales recovery and payment processing. 


Hotmart’s integration function is a robust platform aspect that allows creators to connect their Hotmart account with thousands of other apps to automate their work and streamline their business processes. Here are some key points about the platform’s integration capabilities:

  1. Wide Range of Integrations: Hotmart integrates with over 6,000 apps through Zapier, making it easy to connect with the tools you use daily.
  1. No Code Required: You can set up these integrations without coding knowledge, allowing you to focus on what matters most for your business.
  1. Custom Triggers and Actions: Hotmart’s integration with Zapier supports various triggers and actions, such as cart abandonment, transaction events, plan changes, and subscription cancellations, enabling you to create custom automation for your specific needs.
  1. Templates for Quick Setup: Zapier offers templates to automate Hotmart integrations quickly, such as adding new transaction events to Google Sheets or updating subscribers in email marketing services like MailerLite Classic.

Hotmart’s integration feature is developed to help creators automate their digital business, connect with various apps, and manage their operations more efficiently.

Hotmart marketplace:

The Hotmart Marketplace is an online store for digital products developed to help customers find and purchase courses on the platform. It’s a place where creators can easily build, monetize, manage, and grow membership sites, courses, subscriptions, communities, events, or the digital product of their dreams. The marketplace is part of Hotmart’s comprehensive toolkit, including product building, selling worldwide, currency conversion, local payment methods, customer support, and more, without monthly fees, clunky integrations, or coding. Only a percentage is paid after a sale, making it a cost-effective solution for creators.

For customers, the marketplace offers a wide range of digital products, including online courses, ebooks, webinars, and more, providing a platform for personal growth and learning. On the other hand, Creators benefit from the marketplace by reaching a global audience and quickly selling their products. Whether you’re looking to learn something new or share your knowledge with the world, Hotmart Marketplace is created to facilitate that exchange.

Hotmart Affiliate Program:

Individuals can sign up for the Hotmart Affiliate Program, a platform that lets them promote digital products. Their unique referral links can help them earn commissions for each sale they make.

 Here are some key features of the program:

  1. Commission-Based Earnings: Affiliates can earn up to 80% commission for each sale, depending on the product.
  1. Variety of Products: The Affiliate Market at Hotmart has a diverse range of digital products organized by format, niche, language, and popularity.
  1. No Product Creation Needed: You don’t need to create your product; instead, you connect buyers with the products they need.
  1. Easy to Start: It’s free to start promoting products, and no website or programming skills are required.
  1. Global Reach: Affiliates can promote products to a global audience and receive commissions from sales made from countries around the world.
  1. Secure Payments: Hotmart guarantees your commissions, ensuring peace of mind with payments.
  1. Marketing Support: Affiliates can access free guides, videos, blog posts, and courses from Hotmart specialists to help understand digital marketing and promote products effectively.

The Hotmart Affiliate Program is built for experts and beginners who want to monetize their online presence and grow their business by promoting digital products. It is one of the best platforms for affiliate programs.


HotPay is Hotmart’s exclusive payment system, designed to provide autonomy and security for producers, affiliates, and buyers involved in the digital product marketplace. Here are some key features of HotPay:

  1. Global Currency Support: HotPay allows you to offer your products worldwide in the currency of your choice, using local payment methods.
  1. Automated Transactions: The system ensures that your money goes straight to your bank account without manual processing.
  1. Security: HotPay works with encrypted data and quickly identifies fraud attempts, making transactions faster and more secure.
  1. Fraud Prevention: It investigates high-risk situations using the buyer’s transaction history to reduce chargebacks and refunds.
  1. Protection Standards: HotPay adheres to CSE Security, PCI-DSS, and 3D Secure, some of the largest security systems in the world.
  1. Local Payment Methods: It offers options like PayPal Credit, BACS, and SEPA, among others, to increase sales in other countries.
  1. Installment Payments: You can offer your product in installments and still get paid in full for your sales.
  1. Recurring Payments: In periodic payments, such as courses or subscription programs, sell digital products and keep your business evolving.

HotPay is a comprehensive payment solution that supports selling digital products on Hotmart, offering flexibility, security, and convenience for creators and customers alike.

HotPay is a comprehensive payment solution that supports selling digital products on Hotmart, offering flexibility, security, and convenience for creators and customers alike.

Other Payment Options:

Hotmart offers a complete payment system that is ideal for those just starting out and for those looking to scale their online business. The payment system is specifically built for digital products and allows you to sell around the world. You can receive payments in over 22 currencies, including Dollars, Euros, or pounds sterling, according to the type of sale made. Hotmart’s payment system is optimized for maximum conversion and approval, and it works with data encryption to ensure security in transactions. 

You can also offer your buyers the option of paying for your product using the way to pay they are most comfortable with, such as Google Pay, Samsung Pay, Credit Card, Pay slip, PayPal, Debit card,etc. . Hotmart’s payment system also allows you to create personalized payment pages with your brand’s touch, which raises buyer confidence and conversion potential. 

Expert Tips for Staying Secure at Hotmart:

Staying secure while using Hotmart involves utilizing the platform’s built-in security features and following best practices to protect your information. Here are some expert tips for maintaining security on Hotmart:

  1. Read Official Documents: Familiarize yourself with Hotmart’s official documents, including the Terms of Use, Terms of Purchase, and Privacy Policy, to understand the security measures in place.
  1. Use Encrypted Transactions: Ensure your personal information and banking data are encrypted and protected to maintain privacy.
  1. Trust Hotmart’s Security: Hotmart takes various measures to keep operational tools and collected data secure, so trust the platform’s commitment to security.
  1. Verify Product Quality: Hotmart verifies the quality of products before making them available for sale, which helps to ensure that you’re accessing reliable content.
  1. Utilize HotPay: Use Hotmart’s exclusive payment system, HotPay, to protect your information and prevent fraud.

You can keep your information safe and enjoy the benefits of Hotmart by being vigilant and following these tips.

Protect yourself from viruses, phishing, and scammers:

Protecting yourself from viruses, phishing, scammers, and fraudsters on Hotmart or any other online platform is crucial to secure your personal and financial information. Here are some tips to help you stay safe:

  1. Recognize the Signs of Phishing: Be aware of common red flags such as unfamiliar greetings, unsolicited messages, grammar and spelling errors, sense of urgency, suspicious links or attachments, requests for personal information, and inconsistencies in email addresses or links.
  1. Keep Your Operating System Updated: Regularly update your system to include essential security patches that help protect against phishing-related threats like malware.
  1. Use Strong, Unique Passwords: Use different passwords for different accounts and make them strong so that they are hard to guess.
  1. Enable Two-Factor Authentication: Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for an added layer of security.
  1. Don’t Respond to Suspicious Emails: If you receive a message that looks like a phishing attempt, do not respond. By replying, you confirm that your email address is active to the scammer.
  1. Report Suspicious Messages: Report potential phishing emails to your email provider to help them keep track of threats and protect other users.
  1. Be Cautious with Links and Attachments: Do not click links or download attachments from sources you do not know or trust.
  1. Educate Yourself: Keep yourself updated on the latest phishing techniques and scams to avoid becoming a victim.
  1. Use Security Software: Install and maintain reputable antivirus and anti-malware software to detect and prevent threats.

Following these guidelines can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to cyber threats while using Hotmart or navigating the internet.

How is the support and community for Hotmart?

Hotmart provides a comprehensive Help Center and community support to assist users with various platform aspects. Here’s how you can benefit from their support system:

  1. Hotmart Help Center: The Help Center is a valuable resource. It has solutions for common issues, guides on using Hotmart, and answers to frequently asked questions that you can find.
  1. Virtual Assistant: Hotmart offers a virtual assistant to help you resolve issues related to blocked content, loading problems, account access, and tracking refund requests.
  1. Direct Support Requests: If you need personalized assistance, you can send a request directly to Hotmart’s support team, who will contact you as soon as possible.
  1. Community Interaction: Through various channels, including social media and forums, you can interact with other Hotmart users, share experiences, and learn from the community.
  1. Learning Resources: Hotmart provides learning materials such as articles, videos, and blog posts to help users understand digital marketing and make the most of the platform.

Hotmart’s support and community are designed to help users navigate the platform, resolve issues, and confidently grow their digital businesses.

Who uses Hotmart?

Hotmart is used by diverse individuals and entities involved in creating, promoting, and consuming digital products. Here are the main groups of people who use Hotmart:

  1. Creators (Producers): Individuals or companies that create and host digital content such as ebooks, online courses, technical manuals, and other digital products. Course creators use Hotmart to sell and distribute their content to a global audience.
  1. Affiliates: People who have an online audience or are skilled in sales can become an affiliate. They promote and sell digital products on Hotmart to consumers in exchange for commissions on each sale made through their referral links.
  1. Buyers (Consumers): Individuals seeking knowledge or entertainment in various fields. They purchase digital products on Hotmart’s platform, which hosts a wide range of content, including courses, ebooks, etc.
  1. Entrepreneurs: Digital entrepreneurs who wish to build and scale their businesses online. They leverage Hotmart’s tools and services to create, market, and sell digital products.
  1. Educators and Students: Those involved in online education who either provide or seek learning opportunities. Hotmart is a platform for educators to share their knowledge and for students to access educational content.

Hotmart caters to anyone interested in the digital product market, whether they are content creators, marketers, or consumers looking for quality digital content.

Hotmart fees and pricing:

Hotmart offers a unique pricing model that allows you to start your online business for free, with no monthly or annual fees. Instead, Hotmart charges a transaction fee on each sale you make. This fee is 9.90% of the product’s price plus $0.50. For example, for a sale of $50.00, the standard fee to Hotmart would be $5.45.

Here are some key points about Hotmart’s pricing:

  1. No Upfront Costs: You can register and start using Hotmart without any initial fees.
  1. Commission-Based: Hotmart only charges a commission when you make a sale, so there are no costs if you don’t sell anything.
  1. All-in-One Platform: Hotmart provides a comprehensive platform with tools for management, growth, and a robust payment system.
  1. Global Sales: The proprietary payment system, HotPay, makes it easy to sell in other countries and offers a wide range of payment options.
  1. Affiliate Program: Hotmart automatically handles all sales commissions if you work with affiliates.

This pricing structure is built to support creators at all stages, whether just starting or focused on growth, by allowing them to build their businesses without worrying about recurring fees. Hotmart’s success is tied to your success, so they provide powerful tools, knowledge, and support to help you create, market, and manage your digital products effectively.

Pros and cons:

Hotmart is a platform that offers various tools and services for creators to sell and distribute digital products. Here are some pros and cons based on user reviews and expert opinions:


  • Easy-to-use: Hotmart is praised for its simple setup and user-friendly interface.
  • Affiliate Marketplace: The affiliate system helps creators promote their products and increase sales. They will have access to a large affiliate base.
  • Global Reach: Hotmart supports international sales, currency conversion, and local payment methods.
  • No Upfront Costs: Creators can start using Hotmart for free, with no monthly or annual fees, as the platform charges a commission only when a sale is made.


  • Commission Fee: Some users find the commission fee of 10% on the top line steep. 
  • Additional Tools Needed: Hotmart isn’t an all-in-one platform, so creators may need to integrate additional tools. 
  • Learning Curve: New users may experience a learning curve. 
  • Negative reviews.

Hotmart Reviews:

Hotmart user reviews present mixed sentiments, with some users expressing satisfaction and others voicing concerns or negative experiences. Here’s a summary of the prevailing sentiments:

Positive Reviews:

  • Users appreciate the ease of use and simple setup for creating and selling digital products. Some of the users really enjoy using it.
  • The affiliate marketplace is highlighted as a vital feature that helps increase sales through affiliate marketing.
  • The global reach and support for international sales are seen as beneficial for expanding the audience.

Negative Reviews:

  • Access to Funds: Users have reported difficulties accessing money from the products they sold. Some mention problems with document verification and a lack of direct communication to resolve these issues.
  • Refund Challenges: There are complaints about not being able to receive refunds within the promised period, and users express frustration with the absence of direct contact details, leaving them to communicate with automated systems.
  • Automatic Subscriptions: A common issue mentioned is the automatic activation of lifetime subscriptions without explicit consent, leading to monthly charges that users find difficult to cancel.
  • Customer Support: Customer support is described as inadequate, with users feeling that their concerns must be adequately addressed, especially when connecting with the supplier or resolving fraudulent activities.
  • Language Barriers: Some users have experienced language barriers, receiving communications in languages they do not understand, which complicates managing their products and subscriptions.
  • Protection Against Fraud: Users feel that Hotmart does not adequately protect buyers against fraudulent products sold on the platform, and there is a sentiment that the platform should take more responsibility in these cases.

These points reflect the prevailing negative sentiment among some users, who expect better support and more transparent communication from Hotmart, especially when dealing with financial transactions and customer service issues.

The negative reviews focus on customer service issues, particularly refunds, account access, and dealing with unauthorized charges or scams. On the other hand, positive reviews highlight the platform’s functionality and ease of use for creating and selling digital products. Potential users must consider positive and negative feedback when evaluating Hotmart as a platform for their digital business needs.

Hotmart Alternatives:

There are several alternatives to Hotmart, each with its own features and pricing models. Here’s an overview of some popular Hotmart alternatives and a comparison with Hotmart:


Teachable provides a user-friendly interface and various tools for users to create and sell online courses. It is similar to Hotmart in this aspect.

 Hotmart charges a commission fee of 9.9% plus $0.50 per sale, whereas Teachable offers monthly subscription plans with different pricing tiers. Some users find Hotmart less user-friendly for beginners compared to platforms like Teachable, known for their ease of use. Explore the comprehensive Teachable review here.


Kartra is an all-in-one platform for creating and marketing digital products. It includes features for email marketing, landing pages, and automation. Hotmart provides a range of tools for selling digital products, including a customizable app and membership space. However, it lacks built-in email marketing tools, which some alternatives like Kartra and Kajabi include. Peruse the full Kartra review here.


Kajabi is a comprehensive platform designed to help entrepreneurs succeed in the creator economy. It provides a centralized platform for individuals and small-to-medium businesses to create, market, and sell digital products such as online courses, coaching services, memberships, and more. Kajabi offers a variety of features, including a website maker, landing page builder, email marketing software, sales funnel software, and the ability to accept payments. Study the in-depth Kajabi review here.


Thinkific is a software platform that helps entrepreneurs create, market, sell, and deliver online courses. It was designed to transform how people learn and earn online by giving them the tools they require to turn their expertise into a lasting business that affects them and their audience.

The platform offers a range of features, including course creation tools, sales and marketing tools, customizable course design, tools to enhance students’ experience, teaching tools, site administration tools, up-to-date security features, and excellent support. It is trusted by over 50,000 entrepreneurs and is designed to be easy to set up and customize, requiring no coding skills. Check out the complete Thinkific review here.


Shopify is a comprehensive commerce platform that empowers anyone to start, grow, manage, and scale a business. It allows businesses to build an online store, market to customers, and accept payments across multiple sales channels and locations. 

Shopify’s cloud-based, multi-channel commerce platforms allow merchants to design, manage, and sell their products across various sales channels, including web and mobile storefronts, social media, physical retail locations, pop-up shops, and marketplaces. This gives businesses the flexibility to operate from anywhere. Shopify’s core product includes customizable templates to brand your store, tools to sell across channels, integrated payment processing, a fast and secure checkout, and built-in marketing tools. is indeed an alternative to Hotmart. It is an all-in-one platform that offers a range of tools for online business owners, including sales funnels, email marketing, website building, and course creation. Here’s an overview of compared to Hotmart:

  • Pricing: offers a free plan with no transaction fees, which is a significant difference from Hotmart’s commission fee of 9.9% plus $0.50 per sale.’s paid plans are capped at a maximum of $97/month, regardless of the number of sales or size of the business.
  • Features: Both platforms provide tools for creating and selling digital products, but emphasizes its ease of use and the ability to run an entire online business without additional costs.
  • Support: claims to have a faster response time for support requests, with an average response time of under two hours, and support available seven days a week.
  • Product Types: While Hotmart focuses on digital products, allows users to sell digital and physical products.
  • User Experience: markets itself as a more straightforward and cost-effective solution than Hotmart, especially for users who are just starting their online business and are conscious of expenses. positions itself as a free and more powerful alternative to Hotmart, particularly highlighting its pricing advantage and comprehensive free plan for users starting their online business. Examine the comprehensive review here.

Final Thoughts:

Based on the information gathered and the reviews analyzed, Hotmart which was founded in 2011, appears not to be a scam. It is a legitimate platform that offers a variety of tools and services for creators to sell and distribute digital products. Hotmart provides a global reach, affiliate marketing opportunities, and a commission-based pricing model that allows creators to start without upfront costs.

However, like any ecommerce platform, it has its share of both positive and negative user experiences. While many users find value in Hotmart’s offerings and have successfully used the platform to grow their online businesses, others have reported customer service, refunds, and account management issues.


If you are considering using Hotmart, it’s essential to:

  • Do thorough research: Understand the platform’s features and pricing model, and read user reviews.
  • Start small: Test the platform with a smaller product or project to gauge your experience before fully committing.
  • Stay vigilant: Monitor your transactions and interactions to ensure they align with your expectations.
  • Seek support: Utilize Hotmart’s customer service and community resources if you encounter any issues or suspicious activity.

Whether Hotmart is the right platform for you will depend on your specific needs, goals, and preferences. It’s recommended to weigh the pros and cons and consider alternative platforms to find the best fit for your digital business.

Our Pick


Hotmart is the perfect platform for online businesses focused on content creation. Hotmart provides a space for those who wish to create or promote a digital product, allowing anyone to teach what they know best to the whole world. Hotmart is an excellent choice for those who want to start or grow their online business. Try Hotmart today and take your online business to the next level!

In case you are looking for an affordable all-in-one marketing platform, explore It is a popular platform that can be a Hotmart alternative. It offers a free plan and has received high ratings from users for its comprehensive features.

BEST VALUE is the best option for Businesses looking for an affordable All-In-One Business Platform. It gives you everything you need to create sales funnels, webinars, email campaigns, online courses, landing pages, blogs, and more. And it’s incredibly affordable – you can get started for free and pay as you grow. Don’t miss this opportunity – sign up for the Free Version Forever Plan now.

Frequently Asked Questions

How trustworthy is Hotmart?

Hotmart’s trustworthiness seems to be a mixed bag. Some users have reported negative experiences on Trustpilot, citing issues with accessing their money, difficulty getting refunds, and problems with customer service. However, other sources indicate that Hotmart is a legitimate platform. It’s important to note that even reputable businesses occasionally receive complaints from dissatisfied customers.

Is Hotmart legitimate?

Yes, Hotmart is considered a legitimate platform. However, as with any online platform, user experiences can vary, and some users have reported negative experiences.

How does Hotmart make money?

Hotmart makes money by charging a commission on each sale made through the platform. There are no monthly or upfront costs for creators. The platform provides tools and support for creators to build their online business and only takes a percentage after a sale.

What is the Hotmart marketplace?

The Hotmart Marketplace is an online store for digital products. It provides a platform for creators to display their work at no extra cost, helping their products gain visibility and increasing their chances of selling. Potential buyers can search for products by subject, creator’s name, product name, or a related term.

Is Hotmart Marketplace safe?

Hotmart asserts that it is secure and does everything possible to keep all operational tools and collected data safe, protected, and confidential. However, some users have reported negative experiences, suggesting that the platform does not protect buyers against fraudulent sellers.

Is Hotmart free to use?

Yes, Hotmart is free to use. Creators can build their businesses without worrying about monthly fees or upfront costs. Hotmart only charges a commission when a sale is made.

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