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How to Sell Digital Products on The Ultimate Guide to Making Money Online Fast In 2024!

How to Sell Digital Products on A No-Nonsense Guide In 2024

So, you’ve got a killer digital product, and now you’re ready to take the world by storm. You’ve probably heard about, but you’re wondering, “How do I actually sell digital products on this platform?” Well, sit tight, because I’m about to take you on a ride through the exact steps on how to sell digital products on and start raking in sales.

Getting Started: Setting Up Your Account:

First things first, you need to get your house in order. That means setting up your account. If you haven’t done this yet, go ahead and sign up. It’s free to start, and the platform is surprisingly robust for an all-in-one solution.

To get started, you need to create a account. Enter your email and create an account (1). Note: no credit card is required. Then, verify the email address.

After email verification, you can now log in to your account.

Once you’re in, take a good look around the dashboard. This is where the magic happens. You’ll notice it’s packed with features but don’t get overwhelmed. We’ll be laser-focused on what matters most—getting your digital products live and making money.

Read this article on how you can edit and customize your login.

Uploading Your Digital Products:

Now that you’ve got your account set up, it’s time to showcase your product. Whether you’re selling an ebook, an online course, or even a membership site, makes it pretty straightforward.

Start by uploading your files. Make sure they’re formatted properly because you don’t want your customers dealing with download issues. Click “Courses” (1) under the “Products” tab.

Click the “Add a New Course”(2) button.

A form will pop up. Start by entering the Name of the Course (3). Choose the Domain you want to use(4). Set the URL Path name(5). Select the Template you’ll be using(6). Once you’ve filled in all the details, hit “Save”(7).

Next, go to “Course” and pick the course name(8).

Now, add a module to your course(9).

Give your module a Name(10) and click “Save” (11)

Then, add a lecture by clicking the “Add a Lecture” button(12).

Enter the Lecture Name(13) and choose the Template(14) for the lecture. After that, click “Save”.

Select the lecture(15) you just added.

Start editing the template. For instance, if you’re offering a downloadable product, type in something like “Download Ebook”(16). Highlight the text, click the hyperlink icon(17), and paste the URL(18) where the file can be downloaded. Finally, don’t forget to save your changes (19).

Write a compelling product description, set your pricing, and don’t forget the delivery method. I recommend using the instant access option—people love instant gratification.

How to Create, Configure, and Set up Pricing In the Order Form:

Go to the dashboard. Click on the funnel. Then, configure the “Order Form“. Choose the offer type “Digital Product” (20). Then hit the “+” (21) in the “Resources“. Select the name of the digital product (22). Choose the type of access, for example: “Full access” (23). Finally, configure your price plan (24).

Types of digital products you can sell on

You can sell a variety of digital products using It caters to different audiences and niches. Here are some popular types:


  • What: Digital books on any topic—business, self-help, fiction, tutorials, etc.   
  • Why: Ebooks are a classic digital product that can be easily created and distributed. They’re great for sharing knowledge, offering value, or even repurposing existing content.
  • How: Format your content into a PDF, EPUB, or Kindle-friendly format, and upload it to for instant access after purchase.

2. Online Courses:

  • What: Video-based training programs, workshops, or tutorial series.
  • Why: Online courses are in high demand, especially for skill development. They allow you to charge premium prices and build a loyal customer base.
  • How: Record your course content, organize it into modules, and upload it to You can create a members-only area where customers access their purchased courses.

3. Membership Sites:

  • What: Subscription-based access to exclusive content, resources, or communities.
  • Why: Membership sites provide recurring revenue and foster a community around your brand. It’s ideal for ongoing training, exclusive resources, or special interest groups.
  • How: Use to set up a membership site where users pay a monthly or yearly fee to access your content.

4. Digital Downloads:

  • What: Templates, printables, graphics, music, software, or any downloadable file.
  • Why: These are typically low-cost, high-volume products that are easy to produce and sell. They’re perfect for creatives, developers, and marketers.
  • How: Upload the files to and set them up for instant download upon purchase.

5. Webinars and Online Workshops:

  • What: Pre-recorded sessions where you teach, train, or share knowledge with an audience.
  • Why: Webinars are effective for selling high-ticket items or engaging with your audience in real-time. They also serve as great lead magnets.
  • How: Use’s webinar feature to host and sell access to your webinars or workshops.

6. Coaching and Consulting Packages:

  •  What: One-on-one or group sessions where you provide expert advice or personalized guidance.
  • Why: Coaching and consulting services are high-value offerings that allow you to charge a premium for your time and expertise.
  • How: Sell these packages through by creating a service-based product that customers can purchase, then schedule sessions directly through the platform.

7. Software and SaaS Products:

  •  What: Applications, tools, or software as a service (SaaS) that solve specific problems for your audience.
  • Why: Software products have the potential for high scalability and recurring revenue, especially if offered as a subscription service.
  • How: If you have developed a software product, you can sell licenses or subscriptions directly through

8. Audiobooks and Podcasts:

  • What: Audio versions of books, exclusive podcast series, or audio training programs.
  • Why: Audio content is growing in popularity, providing a convenient way for users to consume content on the go.
  • How: Upload your audio files to and offer them as standalone products or as part of a larger package.

9. Digital Art and NFTs:

  • What: Unique digital artwork or Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) for collectors.
  • Why: With the rise of digital art and blockchain technology, selling digital art or NFTs can be a lucrative niche.
  • How: You can sell digital art directly or provide links to your NFT marketplace from

10. Licenses and Certifications:

  • What: Licenses for using specific digital content, or certifications for completing a course or training.
  • Why: These are valuable for professionals looking to enhance their qualifications or for businesses that need licensed content.
  • How: After completing a course or purchasing a license, customers can receive digital certificates or licenses through

These digital products can be easily created, marketed, and sold on, making it a versatile platform for digital entrepreneurs.

Building Sales Funnels That Convert:

Here’s where the fun begins. A sales funnel is your best friend when it comes to selling digital products. Why? Because it does the heavy lifting for you, turning curious visitors into paying customers. offers a variety of templates, but I suggest starting with something simple. Customize your landing pages to match your brand, and make sure your value proposition is front and center. Add upsells, downsells, and order bumps to maximize revenue—because who doesn’t love more money?

Explore in this comprehensive article how to create a successful Landing Page/Funnel.

Become a Funnel-Building Pro. Get your free funnel builder certification course and watch your business soar.

Setting Up Payment Gateways:

Money time! You need to get paid, and makes it easy to integrate with payment processors like Stripe and PayPal. It’s a quick setup, but double-check that your payment methods are working smoothly before you go live.

Don’t forget about taxes and invoicing. Depending on where you’re selling, you might need to set up regional taxes.

Learn from this article on how to integrate Paypal with

Automating Sales and Marketing:

Why work harder when you can work smarter? Automation is the name of the game, and has got you covered. Start by setting up email marketing automation. Create sequences that nurture leads, push them down the funnel, and ultimately, close the sale.’s automation workflows let you trigger specific actions based on customer behavior. Did someone buy your product? Boom, they get an upsell offer. Didn’t buy? No problem—send them a discount code. This level of automation keeps your sales engine running 24/7.

Promote And Sell Your Digital Products:

Even the best products won’t sell themselves. You’ve got to get the word out, and gives you the tools to do just that. Leverage their affiliate marketing program to get others selling for you. You can also run A/B tests on your sales pages to see what works best.

But don’t stop there. Promote your products on social media, collaborate with influencers, and use your email list to drum up excitement. The more eyes on your product, the more sales you’ll make—it’s that simple.

Immerse in this in-depth article on how to promote and Digital Products.

How To Sell Digital Products on Affiliate Program and Marketplace:

Now that you’ve got your digital product ready and your sales funnel optimized, let’s talk about two powerful strategies that can supercharge your sales: the Affiliate Program and its Marketplace.

Leveraging the Affiliate Program:

One of the smartest ways to sell digital products online is by letting others do the selling for you. That’s where the Affiliate Program comes into play. This feature allows you to recruit affiliates—people who will promote digital products to their audience in exchange for a commission. It’s a win-win: they make money, and you expand your reach without lifting a finger.

Here’s how to get started:

Enable the Affiliate Program: Go to your product settings and turn on the affiliate program. Decide how much commission you’re willing to offer—usually, 30-50% is a sweet spot that attracts serious affiliates.

Create Affiliate Resources: Provide your affiliates with everything they need to promote your product effectively. This includes banners, email templates, and social media posts. The easier you make it for them, the more likely they’ll push your product hard.

Recruit Affiliates: You can start by inviting your existing network to join as affiliates. But don’t stop there—reach out to bloggers, influencers, and other content creators in your niche. You can also promote your affiliate program on social media or through your email list.

Track Performance: provides robust tracking features so you can see how well your affiliates are performing. Monitor their sales, and be proactive in supporting your top affiliates—they’re your biggest assets.

Tapping Into the Marketplace:

Another golden opportunity to boost sales is by listing your product in the Marketplace. This is a platform where thousands of entrepreneurs and marketers go to find products to promote. When you list your product here, you’re exposing it to a huge audience of potential affiliates.

Steps to list your product in the Marketplace:

Prepare a Killer Offer: Before you list your product, make sure your offer is irresistible. This means having a strong value proposition, competitive pricing, and a high-converting sales funnel. Remember, you’re competing with other products, so yours needs to stand out.

Optimize Your Listing: Your Marketplace listing should be as compelling as your sales page. Use persuasive copy, clear images, and highlight the benefits of your product. Also, make sure to showcase the generous commission rates you’re offering to affiliates.

Submit to the Marketplace: Once your product and listing are ready, submit it to the Marketplace. It will go through a review process before being published.

Promote Your Marketplace Listing: Don’t just rely on organic discovery—actively promote your listing. Share it with your network, post it in relevant online communities, and let your email list know that you’re open for affiliates.

Learn how to publish digital products on’s marketplace.

Why These Strategies Work:

The beauty of using both the affiliate program and the marketplace is that they allow you to scale your sales exponentially. Instead of relying solely on your marketing efforts, you’re leveraging the power of a community of marketers who are incentivized to sell your product.

Not only do these strategies help you reach a wider audience, but they also create a passive income stream. Once affiliates start promoting your product, you can focus on other aspects of your business while the sales roll in.

By incorporating the Affiliate Program and Marketplace into your sales strategy, you’re setting yourself up for long-term success. It’s not just about selling a few digital products—it’s about building a sustainable and scalable business.

Troubleshooting and Customer Support:

Let’s be real: things won’t always go smoothly. Maybe a payment fails, or a customer can’t access their download. Whatever the issue,’s support team is there to help. They’re quick, knowledgeable, and will get you back on track without any fuss.

If you run into common problems, don’t panic. Most issues are easy to fix, and the platform has plenty of resources to guide you through. The key is to stay calm, troubleshoot methodically, and keep your eyes on the prize—more sales. Moreover, customer support is top-notch.

Final Thoughts:

Selling digital products on doesn’t have to be complicated. Follow the steps I’ve laid out, and you’ll be well on your way to building a profitable online business. From setting up your account to optimizing your sales funnels, every piece of the puzzle matters. 

So, what are you waiting for? Start today, and let do the heavy lifting for you. Trust me, once you see those sales rolling in, you’ll be glad you did.

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